My First Grow Problems - Please Help (HD pictures included)

Hey guys, so this is my first grow, looking for some advice. These pups vegged for 5 weeks, and just completed their 4th week of flower, and they're lookin cranky. I only watered (no nutes) until the 1-month mark cause they were in FFOF soil. Looked fine throughout veg. I then introduced some Grow Big (1/4 then 1/2 strength), then Tiger Bloom (1/4 then 1/2 strength) after a week into flower--still at 1/2 strength. The problems have just started over the past couple weeks, and are getting worse. Problems include yellowing leaves with growing brown spots on fan leaves of two of them (predominantly on bottom of plant, but carries throughout to top) and purpling tops of stems on the same two plants. Another one is a dark green color with slightly crinkly-looking leaves, and the last looks fine. The humidity stays around 40-55 during the day, but I turn the dehumidifier off at night cuz its kinda loud so humidity spikes to around 70 at night. I water every 5 or so days and alternate feeding (water/feed/water/feed). Let me know what you guys think, and please refer to pictures as (1), (2), etc from left to right. Thanks!

more info:
-600w hps currently on 12/12
-65F night - 80F day
-pH ~6.5, used to be a ~6
-oscillating fan runs 24/7
-3 gal pots (Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil with ~5 tablespoons dolomite lime mixed in per bucket)

These are all free seeds from Nirvana.. can anyone identify the strain of any of them? Any help is much appreciated, and feel free to comment on anything!

Potassium deficiency I'd say...

up your nutes. Maybe magnesium too. are you using r/o water?
no, im using tap water that I have sit out for a few days. My first thought was that they didnt get enough nitrogen in their veg (only added veg nutes for ~2 weeks) and now they're showing signs of nitrogen def, but I could very well be wrong. Thanks for the replies so far!


Well-Known Member
Depends how long your ganna flower. If it has a long flower period i would add a bit a nitrogen, but if it closer to lets say an afghan its almost done anyways so just let it go.... What is your ph at ?


Well-Known Member
your problem is heat/moisture stress your temp dif of 15 degrees is a bit much should not be more than 10 degrees, the humidity swing is way off really should leave the dehumidifier on, consistency in your garden is #1
Depends how long your ganna flower. If it has a long flower period i would add a bit a nitrogen, but if it closer to lets say an afghan its almost done anyways so just let it go.... What is your ph at ?
pH is ~6.5 (pH test kit with color matching, not exact)
These are Nirvana random strains and this is my first grow so I have no idea how long they have left

your problem is heat/moisture stress your temp dif of 15 degrees is a bit much should not be more than 10 degrees, the humidity swing is way off really should leave the dehumidifier on, consistency in your garden is #1
Read elsewhere that 15 degree drop is fine but that could be contributing, and I really can't run the dehumidifier at night--it vibrates like a mofo and uses 400W so I turn it off with the lights.

the night owl

Active Member
1, 4, 5, 10, and 11 look like northern lights hybrids. (I've got no clue what they might be crossed with, though.) I don't think the purpling of the stems has anything to do with a health issue, as I've seen this on plenty of perfectly healthy plants. Make your best effort to keep the temprature consistant; any change in the plant's environment WILL effect the plant's growth, even if you can't see a difference. Also, get a dehumidifier that you're able to use at your leisure, in order to keep a good amount of consistency going on. Just like riddleme said, consistency is #1. seems like everyone else already answered most of your questions. I was just giving you my two cents. Hope I said something helpful. Good luck with your plants. Let us know how they turn out. Happy growing :weed:
1, 4, 5, 10, and 11 look like northern lights hybrids. (I've got no clue what they might be crossed with, though.) I don't think the purpling of the stems has anything to do with a health issue, as I've seen this on plenty of perfectly healthy plants. Make your best effort to keep the temprature consistant; any change in the plant's environment WILL effect the plant's growth, even if you can't see a difference. Also, get a dehumidifier that you're able to use at your leisure, in order to keep a good amount of consistency going on. Just like riddleme said, consistency is #1. seems like everyone else already answered most of your questions. I was just giving you my two cents. Hope I said something helpful. Good luck with your plants. Let us know how they turn out. Happy growing :weed:
thank ya sir, looks like they might be blue mystic, chrystal, jock horror, northern light, or sterling haze then (those are nirvana's northern light crosses)
so... still not sure if I should be adding more nutes or less, they seem to be getting worse with the top fan leaves yellowing/dying. currently running 1/2 strength tiger bloom + full strength big bloom every other watering, and am thinking of going to full strength tiger, any other opinions? next feed should be in a few days...


Active Member
I dont know bro, usually when I see tip burn it tells me to back off nutes for a week or so. Looks like mild heat stress to me, healthy otherwise. If ya back off you aint goina kill em, but if you over do it ya cant really take it back, even with flushing.
Full strength.

Maybe they need a little pimp juice.
lmao, actually that may be what's killing them to begin with :lol:

anyways, they're now at 5.5 weeks flower, fed full strength to four of the five, last one still needs to dry out some more, i'll be watering that cranky bitch tomorrow :clap:

new pics, feel free to comment:

anyone have any idea what these strains could be / around how much longer till harvest? Today marks 6 weeks flowering (6 weeks of 12/12)


Well-Known Member
Ah damn...

Leaves burning at the top is usually too much food if its not heat related. My initial advice may have been bad. I only saw yellowing at the bottom in the first pics. Sorry my friend.


Well-Known Member
You have big plants in small pots that is the problem!

Plants otherwise look good they are just to the point of having to choose which folage to keep alive, so it starts pulling the nutes from the lower leaves to focus on the buds.

It is not a nute problem more nutes will not help there is just not enough root mass for the plant to keep old leaves alive.


Well-Known Member
The tops burning, that is from bad advice about adding more nutes to fix the problem on the lower leaves. Stop nuting and let the roots recover on the plants with upper leaf damage.
OK, well its almost flush time anyways, but should i give em big bloom for their last feeding (supposed to help roots and such)? or just pH'd water?