Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


Well-Known Member
:-o Lol , too funny , one of those busy days and nights indeed . Have been settled in and enjoy a good bowl of Tilders in my bubbler. For me she was spicy smelling like Clove Cigarettes .It has a darker appearance but under a scope it is clear why , wow all the amber and red hairs. Taste was similar to smell but with what I would say is a earthy undertone . Taste was similar on exhale . Now I'll tell ya I took 3 decent tokes and with the last one my damn vision blurred for a second . Stone came on fairly quick and strong and lasted well long enough . Very Very fine meds indeed !:clap:


(Edit) More reports to come tommorrow :) Too late for 12 channels tonight :)


Well-Known Member
thanks u guys but i guess all that good information just doenst matter...i sure hate what hsi site has become! but i just hope that type of ignorance isnt present in the new site!


Well-Known Member
thanks u guys but i guess all that good information just doenst matter...i sure hate what hsi site has become! but i just hope that type of ignorance isnt present in the new site!
Trust me it won't be :)

and I hear ya, this site is gettin on my nerves too


Well-Known Member
lol that was the first time ive let it get to me like dat but man i just cant stand ignorance i mean i dont believe i am always right but i will stand for what i beleive until proven otherwise...proven being the key word...i mean if u clearly are new to something and arent the most educated in that subject than y try to teach ppl things u arent even sure of urself? i just dont get y ppl just cant sit bac and learn somethin...i was actually hoping someone woulda stepped in to help me to understand where this kid is comin from...idk i feel like i let him get the best of me but if u dont stand for what u kno or beleive to be right,what the point? and theres gonna be more followers and basically nazis in this world if u dont!


Well-Known Member
lol that was the first time ive let it get to me like dat but man i just cant stand ignorance i mean i dont believe i am always right but i will stand for what i beleive until proven otherwise...proven being the key word...i mean if u clearly are new to something and arent the most educated in that subject than y try to teach ppl things u arent even sure of urself? i just dont get y ppl just cant sit bac and learn somethin...i was actually hoping someone woulda stepped in to help me to understand where this kid is comin from...idk i feel like i let him get the best of me but if u dont stand for what u kno or beleive to be right,what the point? and theres gonna be more followers and basically nazis in this world if u dont!
The only predudice I have is ignorance, they all be drinkin the brawndo my friend, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it :)


Well-Known Member
actually the kid found a real botany paper that uses the proper word and has conceeded

rasta your pm box is full


Well-Known Member
lol that was the first time ive let it get to me like dat but man i just cant stand ignorance i mean i dont believe i am always right but i will stand for what i beleive until proven otherwise...proven being the key word...i mean if u clearly are new to something and arent the most educated in that subject than y try to teach ppl things u arent even sure of urself? i just dont get y ppl just cant sit bac and learn somethin...i was actually hoping someone woulda stepped in to help me to understand where this kid is comin from...idk i feel like i let him get the best of me but if u dont stand for what u kno or beleive to be right,what the point? and theres gonna be more followers and basically nazis in this world if u dont!
What did you expect? That question was in the Newbie forum. Come on, 12 pages discussing vegging light cycles??? I'm kinda surprised it wasn't in the advanced forum ;).


Well-Known Member
Wow. You guys got trolled hard. lol. I mean, go back and read through it quickly like I just did. Had to be a troll, its the style. I think you guys forgot what forum you were on for a minute. My advice: go to the new site (and give me a link). The club is fun too. :)


Well-Known Member
actually the kid found a real botany paper that uses the proper word and has conceeded

rasta your pm box is full
was a great read but only explained y the leaves move or close, and it only specified plants of the bean family that sleep to either protect itself from chilling or freezin- darwin. or these guys are saying to protect itself from the light of the moon interfering with photosynthisis


Well-Known Member
Good Evening all !

Northern Lights #1 smoke report :joint:

Grower -RM3
Appearance- Plenty red pistils , darker green , nicely coated
dark and cloudy resin heads .
Smell - Kind of sweet like plain bubble gum .
Taste - Earthy sweet , nice and smooth .
Effect - Not instant but not a creeper , mellow stone , milder than
NL Special , but hell it's a class of it's own . :shock: . I did find it harder to concentrate on unlike the Special I was very well zoned in but stoned as hell.




Well-Known Member
I just couldn't type in anything intelligible to warrant an actual response. I was just dumbfounded and gasping for air from laughter.


Well-Known Member
yeah in another thread he told the guy to flush it wait 5 days and flush it again, I wanted so bad to ask

won't that cause nute burn???