RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters
Oh shit it's the fuzz. Once a fuzz always a fuzz..but in this case you state "Ex" Hmm I dunno, dude. hah. Do you support LEAP? Law Enforcement Against Prohibition? Those cops are the only cool cops I see..These cop are willing to scrutinize their reputations to show how they want to end prohibition and not being afraid to speak out.
cops are all over here, just be smart and dont go into chat rooms with them much less talk to them

cops are all over here, just be smart and dont go into chat rooms with them much less talk to them


Hah nice avi you got there..that's hilarious..you photoshop that? FYI, I don't speak a lick of Japanese..I'm American born..therefore, I'm as foreign to Japanese culture as the next American. ;-)
Hah nice avi you got there..that's hilarious..you photoshop that? FYI, I don't speak a lick of Japanese..I'm American born..therefore, I'm as foreign to Japanese culture as the next American. ;-)

Damn does this mean our wedding is off cause you really dont need a US sponcered citizenship..........damit damit damit..............you lied to me just to get my Roor bong didnt you........admit ..........heheheheheeheheheh
If you ask me on a public forum that gets indexed by Google the person claiming to be an ex-cop is the least of your worries.

You're welcome here budlover13, especially considering I assume any site like RIU is just a honeypot run by LEO to mine intelligence and harvest IP addresses. I have no credible reason to believe it I just like to cover my ass. ;-)
You're like the dude I saw on the street panhandling , his sign read "need money for vodka and cigs" I admired his honesty as I do yours.......... */me deletes profile*
ok let me set this up for ya.

bout a year ago i got pulled over, didnt have plates on my car cus i just bought it and i didnt like the neon green dealer plates so i took them off but i had the reg sticker they put in the window so i thought it was fine. anyways, so i get lit up and i pull over. now at the time im on a very dark street in an industrial area, not a soul around. so officer comes to my window and asks if i know why i was stopped, i say no, he goes on to tell me why he stopped me. now heres where things got crunchy, he asks for dl and reg. i tell him dont have the reg card yet and my licence is in my wallet in my back pocket. now let pause that. i personally know 2 people who have been shot by police, one made it one didnt. the one that didnt i can honestly say definately provoked his situation however the friend that survived did not in any way. he had a wallet that was like a case, not material, and it was silver. long story short he reaches to get his wallet, cop thinks it a gun, pops him just like that. so anyway that thought has always kinda haunted me. so with that being said when i was stopped and the cop asked for my info im freaked out cus that situation pops right up in my mind. so i asked the officer if i can get out and give it to him(this whole time i have both hands on the wheel in plain view). he immediately puts his hand on his weapon and is like why do you need to get out and that made me even more nurvous so i go ahead and tell him why i wanted to get out, told him the whole story about my buddy and i was sincere. i told him i dont wanna get shot, i want u to be able to see i have nothing but my wallet. he rolls his eyes and and says all annoyed like "sir take your hands off the wheel and i need your licence" so now im like ok what do i do. im shaking like shit now, then the cop gets on the horn and radios for another unit. i say to myself ok here goes and i tell him im gonna get my wallet, i dont have anything on me he then grabs his gun as i lift up and reach for my wallet and i give it to him. fastforward. he s runs my info, second unit arrives. he comes back with the other officer and tells me to get out the car. i get out and they sit me on the curb and go in to lecture me on when a cop asks you to do something you do it and dont be playin games and wasting our time and all this shit.

sorry this is so long but please bare with me.

now recently i ran into an old hs friend who is a cop in my town and i told him the story. shockingly he responded the same way they did. "dude u cant be doin shit like that, i would've pulled you out at gunpoint and just not what i expected to the say the least.

ok so my question is WTH? am i crazy for believing something like what happened to my friend could happen to me? i understand cops deal with some serious shit but i also feel like cant an officer understand where folks like me are coming from? once im out the car, which was searched, as was i, and they see that there is not threat to their safety and no laws broken, wouldnt a regular person kind of see the other side? i dont know whats your take?
ok let me set this up for ya.

bout a year ago i got pulled over, didnt have plates on my car cus i just bought it and i didnt like the neon green dealer plates so i took them off but i had the reg sticker they put in the window so i thought it was fine. anyways, so i get lit up and i pull over. now at the time im on a very dark street in an industrial area, not a soul around. so officer comes to my window and asks if i know why i was stopped, i say no, he goes on to tell me why he stopped me. now heres where things got crunchy, he asks for dl and reg. i tell him dont have the reg card yet and my licence is in my wallet in my back pocket. now let pause that. i personally know 2 people who have been shot by police, one made it one didnt. the one that didnt i can honestly say definately provoked his situation however the friend that survived did not in any way. he had a wallet that was like a case, not material, and it was silver. long story short he reaches to get his wallet, cop thinks it a gun, pops him just like that. so anyway that thought has always kinda haunted me. so with that being said when i was stopped and the cop asked for my info im freaked out cus that situation pops right up in my mind. so i asked the officer if i can get out and give it to him(this whole time i have both hands on the wheel in plain view). he immediately puts his hand on his weapon and is like why do you need to get out and that made me even more nurvous so i go ahead and tell him why i wanted to get out, told him the whole story about my buddy and i was sincere. i told him i dont wanna get shot, i want u to be able to see i have nothing but my wallet. he rolls his eyes and and says all annoyed like "sir take your hands off the wheel and i need your licence" so now im like ok what do i do. im shaking like shit now, then the cop gets on the horn and radios for another unit. i say to myself ok here goes and i tell him im gonna get my wallet, i dont have anything on me he then grabs his gun as i lift up and reach for my wallet and i give it to him. fastforward. he s runs my info, second unit arrives. he comes back with the other officer and tells me to get out the car. i get out and they sit me on the curb and go in to lecture me on when a cop asks you to do something you do it and dont be playin games and wasting our time and all this shit.

sorry this is so long but please bare with me.

now recently i ran into an old hs friend who is a cop in my town and i told him the story. shockingly he responded the same way they did. "dude u cant be doin shit like that, i would've pulled you out at gunpoint and just not what i expected to the say the least.

ok so my question is WTH? am i crazy for believing something like what happened to my friend could happen to me? i understand cops deal with some serious shit but i also feel like cant an officer understand where folks like me are coming from? once im out the car, which was searched, as was i, and they see that there is not threat to their safety and no laws broken, wouldnt a regular person kind of see the other side? i dont know whats your take?

keep the damn plates on your car LOL
ok let me set this up for ya.

bout a year ago i got pulled over, didnt have plates on my car cus i just bought it and i didnt like the neon green dealer plates so i took them off but i had the reg sticker they put in the window so i thought it was fine. anyways, so i get lit up and i pull over. now at the time im on a very dark street in an industrial area, not a soul around. so officer comes to my window and asks if i know why i was stopped, i say no, he goes on to tell me why he stopped me. now heres where things got crunchy, he asks for dl and reg. i tell him dont have the reg card yet and my licence is in my wallet in my back pocket. now let pause that. i personally know 2 people who have been shot by police, one made it one didnt. the one that didnt i can honestly say definately provoked his situation however the friend that survived did not in any way. he had a wallet that was like a case, not material, and it was silver. long story short he reaches to get his wallet, cop thinks it a gun, pops him just like that. so anyway that thought has always kinda haunted me. so with that being said when i was stopped and the cop asked for my info im freaked out cus that situation pops right up in my mind. so i asked the officer if i can get out and give it to him(this whole time i have both hands on the wheel in plain view). he immediately puts his hand on his weapon and is like why do you need to get out and that made me even more nurvous so i go ahead and tell him why i wanted to get out, told him the whole story about my buddy and i was sincere. i told him i dont wanna get shot, i want u to be able to see i have nothing but my wallet. he rolls his eyes and and says all annoyed like "sir take your hands off the wheel and i need your licence" so now im like ok what do i do. im shaking like shit now, then the cop gets on the horn and radios for another unit. i say to myself ok here goes and i tell him im gonna get my wallet, i dont have anything on me he then grabs his gun as i lift up and reach for my wallet and i give it to him. fastforward. he s runs my info, second unit arrives. he comes back with the other officer and tells me to get out the car. i get out and they sit me on the curb and go in to lecture me on when a cop asks you to do something you do it and dont be playin games and wasting our time and all this shit.

sorry this is so long but please bare with me.

now recently i ran into an old hs friend who is a cop in my town and i told him the story. shockingly he responded the same way they did. "dude u cant be doin shit like that, i would've pulled you out at gunpoint and just not what i expected to the say the least.

ok so my question is WTH? am i crazy for believing something like what happened to my friend could happen to me? i understand cops deal with some serious shit but i also feel like cant an officer understand where folks like me are coming from? once im out the car, which was searched, as was i, and they see that there is not threat to their safety and no laws broken, wouldnt a regular person kind of see the other side? i dont know whats your take?

You should see the look on their face when you tell them you refuse consent to a search and want to retain a lawyer. They freak out.
you must know I worked 25 years inside Folsom prison by now.............don't you?......I'm sure we know some of the same people!lol
ok let me set this up for ya.

bout a year ago i got pulled over, didnt have plates on my car cus i just bought it and i didnt like the neon green dealer plates so i took them off but i had the reg sticker they put in the window so i thought it was fine. anyways, so i get lit up and i pull over. now at the time im on a very dark street in an industrial area, not a soul around. so officer comes to my window and asks if i know why i was stopped, i say no, he goes on to tell me why he stopped me. now heres where things got crunchy, he asks for dl and reg. i tell him dont have the reg card yet and my licence is in my wallet in my back pocket. now let pause that. i personally know 2 people who have been shot by police, one made it one didnt. the one that didnt i can honestly say definately provoked his situation however the friend that survived did not in any way. he had a wallet that was like a case, not material, and it was silver. long story short he reaches to get his wallet, cop thinks it a gun, pops him just like that. so anyway that thought has always kinda haunted me. so with that being said when i was stopped and the cop asked for my info im freaked out cus that situation pops right up in my mind. so i asked the officer if i can get out and give it to him(this whole time i have both hands on the wheel in plain view). he immediately puts his hand on his weapon and is like why do you need to get out and that made me even more nurvous so i go ahead and tell him why i wanted to get out, told him the whole story about my buddy and i was sincere. i told him i dont wanna get shot, i want u to be able to see i have nothing but my wallet. he rolls his eyes and and says all annoyed like "sir take your hands off the wheel and i need your licence" so now im like ok what do i do. im shaking like shit now, then the cop gets on the horn and radios for another unit. i say to myself ok here goes and i tell him im gonna get my wallet, i dont have anything on me he then grabs his gun as i lift up and reach for my wallet and i give it to him. fastforward. he s runs my info, second unit arrives. he comes back with the other officer and tells me to get out the car. i get out and they sit me on the curb and go in to lecture me on when a cop asks you to do something you do it and dont be playin games and wasting our time and all this shit.

sorry this is so long but please bare with me.

now recently i ran into an old hs friend who is a cop in my town and i told him the story. shockingly he responded the same way they did. "dude u cant be doin shit like that, i would've pulled you out at gunpoint and just not what i expected to the say the least.

ok so my question is WTH? am i crazy for believing something like what happened to my friend could happen to me? i understand cops deal with some serious shit but i also feel like cant an officer understand where folks like me are coming from? once im out the car, which was searched, as was i, and they see that there is not threat to their safety and no laws broken, wouldnt a regular person kind of see the other side? i dont know whats your take?
You're not crazy for believing that the same thing that happened to your friend could happen to you. It sounds like you made him real nervous and I can KINDA understand it based on asking to get out of the vehicle. He had red flags going off in his head because NOBODY asks to get out of the vehicle unless they are hiding something in the vehicle or are planning to fight or flee. As a pulled over driver, the LAST thing you want to hear is "Sir, please step out of the vehicle". In the end, cops aren't always "regular" people. Training kicks in and they don't respond like you or I would. His giving you a lecture was LIKELY due to the fact that he realized how close he came to a "bad shooting" imo. :/