Cloning From Feminized Seeds - Is It Possible, Difficult or Impossible?


Top of the morning to you :mrgreen:

We have ordered some feminized seeds, Tangerine Dream to be specific.
And we would like to clone at least one of them. But a reputable source has shared his knowledge telling us that it is harder to near impossible to clone using feminized seeds.

So our question is has anyone else tried cloneing using feminized seeds? What were your results? Has anyone read anything on this subject? or know anything? We are open to your comments or your opinions, please let us know what you have to say on this subject.

No. Its just different from a non femmed seed because it came from a stressed mother to produce that seed, meaning you have a high chance of you clones herming from a feminized seed. If you get a non sexed seeds and flower them early then the clones from your females will be all female with less of a chance of going herm because their seeds werent created from stress

Low ryders are hard to clone.
Pointswest is right.

No. Its just different from a non femmed seed because it came from a stressed mother to produce that seed, meaning you have a high chance of you clones herming from a feminized seed. If you get a non sexed seeds and flower them early then the clones from your females will be all female with less of a chance of going herm because their seeds werent created from stress

Low ryders are hard to clone.
_ where the fuck did you come up with that shit???????????????
Feminized seed production methods. Id suggest you look into it. A plant that is stressed into flowering too early will become a hermaphrodite. The plants produce male pollen sacks as a defense mechanism and pollinates itself before harvest. The seeds that the herm produces are called feminized seeds.
Also if you have a female pollinated by a hermie it will also produce feminized seeds. Because both these methods involve a hermaphrodite, You will have a greater chance of cloning a hermaphrodite off of a feminized seed. Theres no better way of getting a non hermed female than by getting non sex seed and flowering them early and disciminating sex.
Id like to say ive tried this but I havent and I got this "shit" from customers and various sources on the web as well as Urban Garden magazine and the first seeds Ive ever bought were feminized and they turned hermie including the clones which made me go back to classic methods.
How many question marks do you need bro?
,,,,, errr,,, Have to ask,, Do you know what a clone even is?????

He's asking about cloning from a feminized plant grown from seed.... (I think). Not seed, or making seed or whatever you're reffering to.

Either way, I clone all the time from feminized plants from seeds. Never had a hermie in my life (yet).
.............. (rubbing eyebrows from headache).... You are cloning from a female plant. That is different from cloning from a feminized seed because of how feminized seeds are produced. If you are cloning from a feminized seed, you are lucky you havent had a hermie and congrats for finding a reliable seed bank, It's really rare.
Hey thanks for the helpful opinions guys. I tend more favor 'Canon's' and 'Pointswest's' opinions though. I do not see how it would be any different than cloning from a female that was grown from a regular seed. But to each their own I suppose. We just wanted to make at least 50% sure before hand. Either way though we are still going to try it. This just give us more reassurance.
a clone will be the same as the mother plant it is taken from. if the mother is a male the cutting will be a male, if the mother plant is a hermie the cutting will be a hermie and if the mother is a female your cutting will be a female. taking cuttings from a plant that was grown from a feminized seed is no differnt than the other.

Top of the morning to you :mrgreen:

We have ordered some feminized seeds, Tangerine Dream to be specific.
And we would like to clone at least one of them. But a reputable source has shared his knowledge telling us that it is harder to near impossible to clone using feminized seeds.

So our question is has anyone else tried cloneing using feminized seeds? What were your results? Has anyone read anything on this subject? or know anything? We are open to your comments or your opinions, please let us know what you have to say on this subject.

A plant that is stressed into flowering too early will become a hermaphrodite.
im wondering where you get your information, whoever is schooling you has no clue.
Are you kidding me? what is wrong with you people thats just how its done! look it up heres a link:

Its the only one I could find on the fly, but thats just how its done, I dont know how else fem seeds are made. But when you buy a fem seed, you have much higher risk of it becoming herm. I cant change the way things work. earth is round and fem seeds are produced from stress.
Okay, think I see what is going on.

Some feminized strains are less stabil than others (or some regulars). Some particular strains are somewhat sensative to some conditions and it's not the same for all strains.
Even so, if seeds come from a reputable house the likelyhood is greater,,, but honestly not that great that it could hermie on you under the right (wrong?) conditions.
Now take a feminized seed, grow it to verify sex before you clone (shouldn't even be a issue) and the offspring (clones) are female exactly as the mother,, not hermie, or male.

And for linking Grasscity,,,, (no comment)

However, if the discussion was about Auto Flowering Feminized seeds,, and cloning from them, well, that's totally a new game.
wrong again hoagtech...

I clone femminzed plants, no problems... never had one flip hermie... all clones turn out female and havnt had any die even tho they were neglected.

If you were to breed a femminized plant with a male (for seeds), then you may see an increase in hermies... esp if they were stressed in some way.

We need legally flying in here to sort this out.
When you a buy a feminized seed you have more of a chance of it turning hermie because of the way pre-fem seeds are produced.
When you a buy a feminized seed you have more of a chance of it turning hermie because of the way pre-fem seeds are produced.

You can produce feminized seeds through hermaphrodites, speaking based on personal experience, but they are not commercially produced that way.

I am pretty sure a chemical called colloidal silver is used on the seeds to force it female.
just run the plants all the way thru flowering, pick one thats the best cause usually fem seeds tend to hermie thats why uyou have to run them to find out... but you can clone it no matter what...
I have never had a fem seed turn hermie, even when neglected... (stressed)

But, swagger is right in that you are better off growing regular seeds, picking the best female and then cloning it for your next generation...
A plant that is stressed into flowering too early will become a hermaphrodite.
Are you kidding me? what is wrong with you people thats just how its done! look it up heres a link:

Its the only one I could find on the fly, but thats just how its done, I dont know how else fem seeds are made. But when you buy a fem seed, you have much higher risk of it becoming herm. I cant change the way things work. earth is round and fem seeds are produced from stress.

all im saying is you can start flowering a seedling right after it pops out of the soil and it will bud. It won't turn hermie. That's not how they "stress" the plants to make feminized seeds. They have a chemical they can spray or they use lighting schedules that stress the plant out. You can start flower whenever you want on your plant, its not going to stress it out.