Florida?Pushing for Medical Marijuana?Get Out and Vote!!!


Well-Known Member
i just came across this...and its about damn time.seems we finally have a state rep with some common sense. maybe the younger generation will start pushing this issue more since the older generation will not even budge on their stance against medical marijuana

all of us Floridians need to come together and not let this bill fold silently in the night.with the economy we have here..and the massive amount of pill heads we have...we need this bill to pass,before rick scott gets involved and fucks things up here

iv been waiting for this for a long time thank you for posting it now lets all do our part and get the ball rolling mmj in florida here we come

if they let us vote we will win by miles of votes plus rep to the op for posting this great news
look here to find your FL House Rep.: http://myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/representatives.aspx
You may search by name or district [you can find this on your voter registration card]. You can find you FL Senator by searching here:

let your reps know you support bill HJR 1407
thank you for the links....the only way we will have have medical marijuana here is if the people step up in numbers and let our state reps now that we are behind and support medical MJ..i know most people dont trust or believe in their government..including me. but if you dont voice your opinion bills like this will not even be put on the ballot. we all want our happy little plant to be legal...but its got to be more then commenting on a facebook status to make it happen
That's good news for Florida, since there wasn't enough signatures for last years ballot !
A perfect crop for the Sunshine state ! lol
Except for July, while the hottest month of the year in Florida, it's also the wettest month with the most rain fall during the year.
But experienced outdoor Florida growers know that.
All them backwoods with Grandfather oak trees for coverage !
I know a person or 2 down there.
Instead of the Strawberry Festival, it'll be the Cannabis Festival in 10 years !! lmao

What are some prices on the Gulf Coast for ounces of KNOWN (AK, BB, Bubba, SD, C99, etc.) dank down there ?
High grade too, not mids.
Those prices will drop like in other med-states.
I don't hear from Florida growers much, but indoor will be theway to go down there.
The tropical-like weather such unexpected rain, high humidity, hurricanes, tornados and being the lightening capital of the U.S. can make it challenging for outdoor growing.
That's good news for Florida, since there wasn't enough signatures for last years ballot !
A perfect crop for the Sunshine state ! lol
Except for July, while the hottest month of the year in Florida, it's also the wettest month with the most rain fall during the year.
But experienced outdoor Florida growers know that.
All them backwoods with Grandfather oak trees for coverage !
I know a person or 2 down there.
Instead of the Strawberry Festival, it'll be the Cannabis Festival in 10 years !! lmao

What are some prices on the Gulf Coast for ounces of KNOWN (AK, BB, Bubba, SD, C99, etc.) dank down there ?
High grade too, not mids.
Those prices will drop like in other med-states.
I don't hear from Florida growers much, but indoor will be theway to go down there.
The tropical-like weather such unexpected rain, high humidity, hurricanes, tornados and being the lightening capital of the U.S. can make it challenging for outdoor growing.
im like 20 minutes from the strawberry festival...hahahahha..but id never go..too country for me..but they do have killer food.
and prices ive came across are about the same as other places...50-60 an 1/8...but thats if it has a name...locals tend to just call it all "dro"..the assume that any good weed must be grown in hydro only i guess

and as for the weather...its been really mellow in the 2 years since i moved back.have yet to have a bad storm in my area.might rain once every 2-3 weeks here lately.this might be a good year to try some outdoor crops for me...just to lazy to search for a area..and if i time it right humidity wont even be a issue down here.would be better to sow later in the year down here...since we are the last state in the country to get its first frost
That's cool DJ.
Ya'll are pretty bold for growing and posting since you live in Florida.
I hear they are pretty strict down there.
Felony for 1/2 ounce......DAMN !
That's cool DJ.
Ya'll are pretty bold for growing and posting since you live in Florida.
I hear they are pretty strict down there.
Felony for 1/2 ounce......DAMN !
well i only grow for myself and my girl..very small plant count..and as stealthy as i can get it.and it dont hurt that my brother works for the sheriffs department
well i only grow for myself and my girl..very small plant count..and as stealthy as i can get it.and it dont hurt that my brother works for the sheriffs department

Sweet ! lol
Me too. Just myself, Moms and less than a handful of friends get any of my buds.
Only my lady and Mom know I grow.

Are you growing from clones, seeds or both ?
Are you affiliated or employeed by ANY law enforcement agency ?

Sweet ! lol
Me too. Just myself, Moms and less than a handful of friends get any of my buds.
Only my lady and Mom know I grow.

Are you growing from clones, seeds or both ?
Are you affiliated or employeed by ANY law enforcement agency ?
right now just growing from seed...have not had the room to doing any cloning....and hell no...they drug test...i wouldnt be willing to stay sober long enough to pass their piss test...that and i like to be high at work..they frown on that