Baby Momma Tax Drama...INPUT

Kush Pu$her

so been in a relationship for ten years going on eleven but not quite, we have 1 daughter turning 2 in a couple weeks, relationship has gone to shit, i feel cuz she found a new love for methadone and oxy's which detoured her real life and responsibilities. she has a master degree alright job and double the pay i made as a construction worker when i came to who stays home it was clear cut i was to and get into school plus the once great paint company i worked for was unstable and now no more. i am enrolled and on my way back to independence. over this last year she has shown some shady ways, stolen from me, us and put us all in tight money spots for her habit she hides and lies about. i was the stay at home parent and i gave up my income to do that duty and now income tax season has come last year i claimed myself cuz i still had some hours and now this year she went behind my back and did her tax and says shes getting 6,000 something if not more and she claimed me and our child. she acts like she dosent owe me squat of it and she was the one with the job. i was reading online earlier that since she used my SSN without my knowledge or consent for her personal gain it could also be identity theft. what if the tables are turned and the working man told the women she didnt have a job this year so F off? $6,000??? and mothers everywhere complain how being a mom alone is hard enough? its hard trying watching our kid from 6am to 530pm and be independant and find work or get to the court house or unemplyment office when i have to wait for her to return. why is it i have to watch her to secure her job or risk my child being watched by her pill poppin mother and get no pay back at the end of the year and its my kid too and to claim me with my SSN and not married...Women REALLY??? :finger:



Active Member
As I see it, if she supported you and the child for more than 6 months of the year, you were her dependent's and she should have the right to claim that.

If you were married, I am sure you would have legal rights to half the would your "ours" not "hers"

That being said, you need to get this lady some help if she can't help herself or you will end up raising your daughter by yourself with no help from her at all. If you care about her, and she isn't willing to admit she has a problem and take responsibility for it...I think the income tax return is the least of your worries.

I wish you and your daughter the very best.

Kush Pu$her

well thanks for the good wishes i know i am the dependent and she has a right to that but we did agree and she turned sour and greedy. i do know also that the tax is just one of the many problems and worries its just the one getting to me today with no where to vent to. i just think i am doing an equal job her just like women or mothers claim and they most of the time have all the say so as to where the money gets spent. but she acts now but never did before that its her money. before this i always had my own job good pay took care of all my own bills owned my own car and i'm only 25 by the way, and gave up that security only to be fucked over i guess. also my car she wont sign over that is in her name because she dosent want to "deal with it right now" i just want out and there isnt hope for me and her just me and my daughter. and getting her help, she thinks she can help herself over and over i have seen so many around me sucked away by drug abuse and prescription crap, she masters in social work and is well educated in drug abuse and the toll it takes on the family but she is the type to act better than that and you cant tell her something she dosent already know. i guess its more in depth really


Well-Known Member
damn sorry to hear bout your situation. I couldnt imagine having any kids right now and im almost 28.... Dude, if you love her,which im guessing u do since yall been together for 10+ years, dont give up on her. She is prob a totally differnt person now due to opiates, but thats what your suppose to be there for, to help her get thru the addiction. Man its so hard i kno, i use to be adiccted to heroine when i was 16-17, thank god i got arrested and sent to 6 months in jail for burglery of a habitat, and then spent 9 months in a felony rehab place. Ya thats alot of punishment and all for a kid, but it got me off of it. I think i would be dead if i had never quit and your wife will most likely end up dieing or getting somekind of disease if she doesnt quit. Unfortunately, ive heard heroine or any kind of opiate is the hardest thing not only to over come the addiction and get clean, but to stay clean. Relapse statistics are the worst for opiate users. Man your in a bad situation bro and i feel for you. I wouldnt worry about the money at all, i would be more concerned for my gf's life and my kids mother
Damn that some shady stuff..But im glad me and my girl can come to terms where whoever claims who no matter what we split the child income and then we discuss on who gets what from the rest.But i usually buy her stuff anyway so she really doesnt care

Kush Pu$her

Damn that some shady stuff..But im glad me and my girl can come to terms where whoever claims who no matter what we split the child income and then we discuss on who gets what from the rest.But i usually buy her stuff anyway so she really doesnt care
yea well all women can be sweet and caring and seem like thaey would never b the one to do the shady shit other bitches do till it comes down to it and the turn into the biggest cutthroat cunts and leave us fucked like eve did with adam and the apple.


Well-Known Member
If you want to fuck her and she hasnt gotten paid yet hop online and file taxes. My parents claimed me one year and i did my taxes at the same time ended up slowing there return by like two months haha. I didnt know they were claiming me i only got like 150 back whoops

Kush Pu$her

damn sorry to hear bout your situation. I couldnt imagine having any kids right now and im almost 28.... Dude, if you love her,which im guessing u do since yall been together for 10+ years, dont give up on her. She is prob a totally differnt person now due to opiates, but thats what your suppose to be there for, to help her get thru the addiction. Man its so hard i kno, i use to be adiccted to heroine when i was 16-17, thank god i got arrested and sent to 6 months in jail for burglery of a habitat, and then spent 9 months in a felony rehab place. Ya thats alot of punishment and all for a kid, but it got me off of it. I think i would be dead if i had never quit and your wife will most likely end up dieing or getting somekind of disease if she doesnt quit. Unfortunately, ive heard heroine or any kind of opiate is the hardest thing not only to over come the addiction and get clean, but to stay clean. Relapse statistics are the worst for opiate users. Man your in a bad situation bro and i feel for you. I wouldnt worry about the money at all, i would be more concerned for my gf's life and my kids mother
we live with each other know she sleeps on the couch me in the room, its like we r not together anyways she thinks im just an ass hole because i'm the only one fighting her about the pills and money. i have stuck around in hopes to try and make it work out for our kid and with the thought that it is the addiction. but it has been a long time with no hope she just finds ways to hide more from me or perfect her lies. i grew up in a life of physical and mental abuse at the hands of drug and alcohol using parents and step dads, i spent three years from age 15 to 18 in a juvenile prison for running wild stealing cars robbing people. now i ma an adult moved on from that shit and am being a better dad than i ever had and better.she has MS and i have bad stomach issues and an enlarged heart all this stress in my life is only making my conditions worse. i have given up everything under me to be a dad and take care of my family the way i could and now even if i want to go she'll make it hell for me. i dont have one family member to turn to dad is doing life in prison mom is running from the law in mexico strung out on H her self i am the only person i have and i gave up alot for her already and i feel i need to move on while i'm young. i am the last person to be looked at as the nobody piece of shit but yet in her eyes thats what i am all of a sudden and being the stay at home parent is lazy. i just dont want to waste my life anymore with the drugs and abuse always around me bringing me down when i am strong enough to stay away from the use myself. also her engagement ring that she took off after i asked for it back after some other big problems now sits in a cup in the closet with a couple oxy's and zannex bars i found and took from her, show how my relationship really is.

Kush Pu$her

If you want to fuck her and she hasnt gotten paid yet hop online and file taxes. My parents claimed me one year and i did my taxes at the same time ended up slowing there return by like two months haha. I didnt know they were claiming me i only got like 150 back whoops
if i wanted to fuck her over and be dirty like her i would get her fired from her state job for all the shit in her system cannabis methadone oxi's she works with people telling them not to do drugs and how to better their lives. i could take a parenting plan out and take her to court and much more but i dont have that destroy drive in me yet i feel it coming though because she is playing with my life like its a funny game to her and i can easily put her on the same living level as me but worse with her addiction.

Kush Pu$her

It sounds like she needs help.
yea but how do u help someone that acts like they dont need the help and then lies there ass off to down play her use and behavior she thinks fixing it is me backing off her case acting like non of this happens over and over and over and give her space and trust back but she slaps me right in the face with something, its not wrong till she gets caught redhanded and even than she'll lie to your face like we r crazy


Active Member
Dude, sounds like the relationship has been over for her for a long time. I had a girl who was the same way after 4 years, but luckily I did not have a child with her so I got out easily. Giving the engagement ring back should have been the final nail in the coffin. I say go pawn that sucker and get a little cash for yourself. Could use the money for a good lawyer to help get custody of the kid, get a car in your name, or your own place. Since the car is in her name, tell her in no uncertain terms that if she is unwilling to transfer it to you, you are going to stop making payments on it. Also getting proof that she is using opiates will help if things get nasty. Maybe a few pics of her stash, or a recording of a conversation in which you confront her about her drug use. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dude, sounds like the relationship has been over for her for a long time. I had a girl who was the same way after 4 years, but luckily I did not have a child with her so I got out easily. Giving the engagement ring back should have been the final nail in the coffin. I say go pawn that sucker and get a little cash for yourself. Could use the money for a good lawyer to help get custody of the kid, get a car in your name, or your own place. Since the car is in her name, tell her in no uncertain terms that if she is unwilling to transfer it to you, you are going to stop making payments on it. Also getting proof that she is using opiates will help if things get nasty. Maybe a few pics of her stash, or a recording of a conversation in which you confront her about her drug use. Good luck.
ya i think your right. it sounds like she checked out a long time ago.

The only one who can help her is herself. Until she wants to quit, im afraid theres nothing anyone can do. Even then, if she ever decides she wants to quit, its still going to be a hard road.

I would think getting her fired or anything like that would just make an even bigger mess, but idk.


Well-Known Member
Get clean yourself, unless your legal. When things get really bad, and it sounds like it will, the courts will drug test both of you at the custody trial. If she's on the opiates she'll have a hard time remembering details, and anyone who has been on them and gotton off can tell you they literally lost that time of their life. Good luck to you, and I hope things turn around.

Kush Pu$her

Dude, sounds like the relationship has been over for her for a long time. I had a girl who was the same way after 4 years, but luckily I did not have a child with her so I got out easily. Giving the engagement ring back should have been the final nail in the coffin. I say go pawn that sucker and get a little cash for yourself. Could use the money for a good lawyer to help get custody of the kid, get a car in your name, or your own place. Since the car is in her name, tell her in no uncertain terms that if she is unwilling to transfer it to you, you are going to stop making payments on it. Also getting proof that she is using opiates will help if things get nasty. Maybe a few pics of her stash, or a recording of a conversation in which you confront her about her drug use. Good luck.
the relationship is more over for me than it is for her i do know that, the ring i asked back she was lying so much and not being true to me that i felt it was false for her to where it i no longer felt i wanted to marry her. and as far as the car goes it is paid off in full i have the title the the finance company signature and stamp all i need is hers. she knows the car is a way out for me if i sale it and the income tax is also so she is preventing me or trying to stop me leaving i feel she dosent want me all in her pill problem and pointing it out but dosent want to let me go, she is already trying to say she was just saying shit and that her intent isnt to keep my car. and i am covering my ass and getting my evidence together so i dont get fucked anymore.

Kush Pu$her

Get clean yourself, unless your legal. When things get really bad, and it sounds like it will, the courts will drug test both of you at the custody trial. If she's on the opiates she'll have a hard time remembering details, and anyone who has been on them and gotton off can tell you they literally lost that time of their life. Good luck to you, and I hope things turn around.
i am clean and legal i blow dro but not to get high its to calm my IBS in the mourning so i dont puke and can eat i have a legit sickness and other issues that allow me a medical card i dont do shit else or drink or smoke ciggs not even Tylenol, i do know i'm legit and as far as it goes with CPS and the courts its 100% legit to the state and they wont touch its like saying u cant have your prescribed meds


Active Member
Too bad she won't get into some type of program while she has insurance, but only she can decide she needs help and probably will have to hit bottom and lose everything first.

Eventually I fear she won't be able to keep it together for work... I think the more documentation you can get, and the sooner you can talk to a lawyer to figure out what your rights are, and how you can get custody.... all the better.

I am glad your daughter has you to chrish her because it doesn't sound like Mom is thinking of anyone but herself.

Again, I wish you the best.