Well so we can expand our Capitalism and every one can know prosperity other wise we have to tell everyone that all there will be is what someone allows you to have from here on out and that freedom is not possible any more.
I don't follw.
I'm REALLY high so that could be it. I normally have trouble understanding about 1/3 of what you say though, so maybe that's not it after all.
I'm not a person who buys into the whole "utopian dream", and I definitely believe there is no one perfect form of government, there is no perfectly equitable way to redistribute wealth, there is no possible way to prevent ALL people from being greedy, corrupt bastards. You cannot regulate away the ills of society and force people to buy products for the "betterment" of the "hive". It just doesn't work. Look, we've been played for fools by our politicians, both republicans and democrats. Make no mistake about it, we would all like to be free, but this ultra-liberal, progressive, socialist (whatever label you want to put on it) agenda is in direct conflict with a free society and the principles of personal responsiblity and not incarcerating people for victimless crimes. I realize there will be those who cannot take care of themselves and there should, perhaps, be SOME small government programs to assist those which no charity or family member exists which will or can help the individual. It's best for private charities and church organizations to do the bulk of sheltering/feeding of homeless and perhaps more straightforward incentives for hospitals and doctors to provide more charity than they already do. I think many of us are in agreement about the war/s and the enormous spending spree the government has been on for the past decade+. Freedom is not just some abstract concept that is casually tossed around like an old towel. It is the very conerstone which this nation was founded upon and IMO is to be held sacred above all else. With that freedom comes, or should come an openness and responsibility that aren't present in more repressive societies. What has happened to us that we have forgotten what principles are most dear and important? I'm just amazed sometimes...........