I have no idea if its barneys or big buddha the clones come from my m8 that runs a hydro shop and been growing for 20 years + the mother is a very nice pheno yes like i say i havent smoked anything better in the UK in the the 23 years ive been smoking.
Ive never grown original cheese so i cant really comment on it, all i will say is the cheese ive smoked in UK is not as nice as my own blu cheese grows. But then again Cheese is a favourite of the cash croppers who tend to care more about cash than quality.
But yes you could be right i might never of had "proper" cheese i mean how do u really kno what strain it is, all i kno is the stuff that they sell round here as cheese for £10 0.8g and £200 an oz is not as nice as my own. also the local cheese dealers come to me when mines ready. and want as much as i can part with. probaly has a lot to do with the fact i take my time with curing and its light and fluffy unlike the local cheese that tends to be damp(cash croppers 4 ya).
Id also like to boldly state my blue cheese produces some of the best hash in the world, i spent 5 months in india and 7 weeks of that stay i spent rubbing my own hash in the kullu valley (produces some of the best hash in the world) and with nothing but ice water, the blu cheese produces hash that tastes and stones you like a cross between Nepalese honey oil and Manali Charis, even my old hippy m8 who smokes nothing but Indian Charis thought it was a top quality Kashmiri hash (usually buried in a goats stomach, looks like a hash brain with white viens of mold running through it, some people try to say the white mold is opium just because the hash is so strong

and was totally dumbfounded when i told him i made it im still not sure if he actually believed me.
I also smoked some with a guy i kno who sells sniff he offered me £20 for a gram of the hash i refused, he then went onto to offer me a g of coke the answer was still no.
From 30 oz of blue cheese i get 10-14g of hash from leaves and trim and i just think the hash is amazing i dont sell it for any price. tho im always happy to skin up a spliff with a fellow toker i also love getting the wannabe cheese gangsters all twisted up on it, i always pack it for them cunts lol

Wannabe cheese gangster: Yo blud this stuff is fire, when i close my eyes i can roll my eyes all the way back and see into my brain!
Ive always been a weed and hash connisseur i have friends in Rotterdamn so i used to go every year, also went to india on a crazy hash/ketamin mission, Morroco twice and thailand, all in search for the best hash and weed in the world.
MY top 10 of weed and hash...
1. Homemade blue cheese Hash.
2. Nepalese Honey oil (you have to keep it in the fridge and it stays in a lump, very goey when it warms up)
3. Blue cheese (soil grow)
4. Silver Haze 15 years ago in Amsterdamn.
5. Indian Charis.
6. Jack herer Rotterdam 7 years ago
7. Old skool super skunk/skunk #1 UK (friends grow 10-12 years ago)
8. Morrocan kief press often called double zero
9. Nader hash from Rotterdamn 9 years ago
10. Durban poison that a friend bought back from south africa it looked brown and twiggy and like crap but strong, strong weed
Im a real taste type of person when i smoke the high has to be nice as does the taste, silver haze used to be my favourite for taste and stone now its the blue cheese as i love the clean fruity taste mixed with the dank earthy aftertones,
But im definatly going to try original cheese next time will be doing x10 Blue cheese and x10 original cheese and will be making hash from both

Then i will be able to give you a more informed opinion im also quite intrested in making hash from original cheese as i beleive the reason the blu cheese hash tastes so much like Nepalese/indian/Kashmiri is the fact it has Afghani roots.
Edit for reply: I havent tried exodus cheese even though i actually kno some of the old skool drum and bass exodus crew from luton as far back as 92/93 i used to put free raves on around oxford and london in the early 90's a guy called Hazard and a tall guy with dreads called slimmer are the only names i can remember.