
Well-Known Member
hand sanitizing wipes or gel!!!!
but wipes can be used on anything


bottled water!!!!

eat packaged food when possible

some sort of immune buster and advil, ect like people said

have fun!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah multi vitimans might also be a good idea..

So do you like to travel to poor countries just for fun? :P

If thats really true about the ass/hand wiping, I wouldnt shake ANYONES hands...LOL


Well-Known Member
awsome man i dont have ny advice other than to go to goa if your not already i tyhink it might be kinda touristy but supposedly thats kinda where the psy trance thing started and asupposed to be some wild psychadelic parties

other than that im jelous iive wanted to go to india for years now


Active Member
Where exactly are you going in India? I'm from Hyderabad and I went there 2 years ago, best time of my life


Well-Known Member
A note from Mrs frostythesnowthug:-

Don't drink any tap water including when rinsing when brushing teeth, use only bottled water. Don't eat any fruit that's been pealed somewhere else, only eat when pealed yourself or opened in front of you eg melons on the beach, like ya do. Stay away from salads. Basically anything that has been washed/rinsed in tap water don't consume...

make sure you have your jabs and you should avoid any uncomfortable bowel movements.
Hand sanitizing gel is a definite also.
Depending on where you are staying ie. hotel, mud hut, beach then yeah toilet roll may be an idea,as some places may not have it, most hotels do..
Other than that, eveyone's super friendly, happy to talk to you all day so really chilled comfortable atmosphere. Take as many pens as you can carry, the kids over there go crazy for them, you'll be like the pied piper!!!

Have a killer stay GK..


Well-Known Member
it stinkts over there....

but nice country :D beatyfull ^^ like in jackass.... Preston was like: yeah, India i love it its a really great country..... * audience thinks ahhh thats cool of him that he can talk like that * then he say's : FUCK NO, I HATE IT !


Well-Known Member
I think alot of westerner tourists give asian countries a hard time..
India gets it esp bad...
Its not the ideal destination for alot of folks..Its a totally different way of life,and that is where i personally think the problem is, some tourists just dont 'get' it...Some do,Hence why the place is full of old British and US hippies.


Active Member
So Garden Knowm, How did you like traveling in India? Still there maybe? I LOOOVE India, am going there for the fourth time, now staying for months, maybe a year.