The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just went to tescos and spent a fortune on nothing. Im fucking useless wae a hangover
Haha, was just thinking stoned hungover guy standing near the till emptyhanded and the guy just turning and saying "that'll be 23.50 please sir" and you in your confusion... :lol: that would be funny. I only spent money on nothing once when stoned, went quite a distance specifically to goto the cash mahine, got there, withdrew all my cash to buy more pot, walked home without the cash :lol: didn't see that again.


Well-Known Member
Just went to tescos and spent a fortune on nothing. Im fucking useless wae a hangover
fuckme bro try keeping my misses away from morrisons lol see has withdrawal symtoms if she does nt spend £20 aday in there !!
the best part of it is she goes shopping every friday to do the main shopping and spends over £100 then!!


Well-Known Member
My girl is the same. Everytime she comes home she has at least 2 tesco bags. Just know im going to struggle to sleep as this drink is going to sweat out me


Well-Known Member
shopping is fucking expensive anyway you think its about a nifty get to the till n bam 80quid odd everytime, i wouldnt eat the shit my missus cooks lol i cook n do all the shopping.


Well-Known Member
fucking in laws!!! ma fat sister in law(well my birds sister) just rolls up half an hour ago with 3 guys, stunts in the door sits down and proceeds tae pour everyone a pint o cider, bitch never phoned or txt to say she was doin this, we've two kids runnin around, both due to go to bed at 8pm and the oldest is up for school in the morning and this fuckin window lickin spastic thinks she can just turn her sisters house into a fucking gang hut!!! fat scrounging bucket, i just stood up jumped in the car and fucked off before i smashed her false teeth thru her fuckin head. ah cant fuckin stand the dog....and she still owes me fuckin tick fae weeks ago....


Well-Known Member
fucking in laws!!! ma fat sister in law(well my birds sister) just rolls up half an hour ago with 3 guys, stunts in the door sits down and proceeds tae pour everyone a pint o cider, bitch never phoned or txt to say she was doin this, we've two kids runnin around, both due to go to bed at 8pm and the oldest is up for school in the morning and this fuckin window lickin spastic thinks she can just turn her sisters house into a fucking gang hut!!! fat scrounging bucket, i just stood up jumped in the car and fucked off before i smashed her false teeth thru her fuckin head. ah cant fuckin stand the dog....and she still owes me fuckin tick fae weeks ago....
cheeky mare carnt ya just tell her to fuck off? you aint exactly the shy type m8 lol well ya dont read like it on hear neway lol


Well-Known Member
ahm not the shy type, quite the opposite but its no ma hoose and as far as ahm concerned it should be ma girl thats tellin her tae get tae fuck. one o the reasons i walked out is that i couldnt have done it subtly, i would ripped the fuckin roof off the house and beat the fat cunt tae death wae it!!


Well-Known Member
fucking in laws!!! ma fat sister in law(well my birds sister) just rolls up half an hour ago with 3 guys, stunts in the door sits down and proceeds tae pour everyone a pint o cider, bitch never phoned or txt to say she was doin this, we've two kids runnin around, both due to go to bed at 8pm and the oldest is up for school in the morning and this fuckin window lickin spastic thinks she can just turn her sisters house into a fucking gang hut!!! fat scrounging bucket, i just stood up jumped in the car and fucked off before i smashed her false teeth thru her fuckin head. ah cant fuckin stand the dog....and she still owes me fuckin tick fae weeks ago....
i know wat treatment i would give her and it wouldnt be the silent fucking treatment Cheeky fucker lol


Well-Known Member
ahm tryin like fuck not to drink and thats no exactly helpin ma fuckin temper rite noo....all ah wanted was a fuckin quiet nite in, have dinner, put the kids tae bed and chill in front o the telly tae bedtime. fuck it, ahm in my own flat so ahm jist gonny get sumthin fae the chip shop.....and there was me made a fuckin big steak casserole and its sittin up their in the girls hoose......aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What can i say, i work with 10 19-22yr old girls and then have 3 women bosses, i need my release of madness now and then. My favourite threat is to be gaped by a black man :D And no need to take the hit yourself dura, there's always someone with a bit more booze in his glass than sense who'll think it's a rather amusing gag until he finds he's going to jail :D

Have to say sexist jokes have to be one my fav types of short comedy :D "what do you say to a woman with two black eyes" etc :lol: