Well-Known Member
Went ape shit on an oil extravaganza today and figured what better way to show the goods then to show people how to make liquid gold at the same time! 
So here we are... first off. My butane honey oil vacuum purge technique (in 1080p)
This video was, surprisingly, at first for my parents to learn how hahahahaha they love oil
Equipment you will need:
Bud or trim (Good nugs will result in highest quality and yield)
Extraction tube
Pyrex dish that's easily scrapable
5x refined Butane (Vector or Colibri brand)
Coffee filter or Cheese Cloth
Parchment Paper (NOT Wax)
Hose clamp/ fastener
MityVac hand vacuum
Foodsaver jar or Mason jar (cut a slit on top and use the suction cup attachment for Mason)
Trial and error
and the goods!;
Started with a half ounce of Trainwreck outdoor nugs and a half ounce of Berry White x OG underbuds and frost trim. The eighth is Fire OG I picked up for me to smoke
$130 for 31.5g 
Right after scraping, no purge;
The Berry
The Trainwreck
Berry White under first vacuum pull @ -25hg
Trainwreck under first vacuum
A victory dab of some razor bho hash!
Fourth vac, I did them both in one
Trainwreck after last vac
Berry White x OG after last vac
Final calmed down stable honey oil;
Berry White x OG
Vacuum pump I used is just a hand vacuum pump for bleeding brakes. Was like $25 at Sears and it has attachments to hook up to food saver jars.
You cannot vacuum purge oil without it being heated into a molten state. Hence why I put it in the oven for a little while before vac'ing.
You can use an oil dish instead of smearing your errl onto parchment paper. I however don't have a dish, and like the mobility of PP so that's what I use and recommend. Remember never use wax paper, as it comes off and contaminates your oil.
ALWAYS spray your butane outdoors with no open flame or heat source nearby. It's so easy to end up another asshat on the news because of butanes flammability. Bring it inside for purging once it's no longer runny in the pyrex, just sticky and bubbly.
BEWARE of using materials for your extraction tube. GLASS and STAINLESS STEEL are the best for extracting with no contaminates. Next best is copper BUT ONLY if you thoroughly clean it before every extraction and know how to properly clean copper residue. Last resort is PVC, BUT you need to make sure the grade of PVC will not have compounds going into your oil. Certain types are for chemicals or solvents I believe.
Never use crappy butane like Rosslin or what you find in your garage. Go to a fine cigar shop and they will most likely have a 5x refined butane. Ask specifically for Colibri or Vector... those are the most widely used amongst us shat-heads for making BHO.
General yield estimate
Plant Material-|-Recommended amount Butane-|-Estimated Yield
1oz High quality bud-|-12oz-|-3-6g
1oz Average bud-|-10oz-|-2-4g
1oz low grade bud-|-9oz-|-2-3g
1oz high quality trim leaves-|-12oz-|-3-5g
1oz trim & leaves-|-10oz-|-2-4g
1oz fan leaves-|-8oz-|-1-2g
For my cans of Vector it takes roughly 30 seconds to get through half of the can. Those are Mississippi seconds

So here we are... first off. My butane honey oil vacuum purge technique (in 1080p)

This video was, surprisingly, at first for my parents to learn how hahahahaha they love oil
Equipment you will need:
Bud or trim (Good nugs will result in highest quality and yield)
Extraction tube
Pyrex dish that's easily scrapable
5x refined Butane (Vector or Colibri brand)
Coffee filter or Cheese Cloth
Parchment Paper (NOT Wax)
Hose clamp/ fastener
MityVac hand vacuum
Foodsaver jar or Mason jar (cut a slit on top and use the suction cup attachment for Mason)
Trial and error

and the goods!;
Started with a half ounce of Trainwreck outdoor nugs and a half ounce of Berry White x OG underbuds and frost trim. The eighth is Fire OG I picked up for me to smoke

Right after scraping, no purge;
The Berry

The Trainwreck

Berry White under first vacuum pull @ -25hg


Trainwreck under first vacuum


A victory dab of some razor bho hash!

Fourth vac, I did them both in one

Trainwreck after last vac

Berry White x OG after last vac

Final calmed down stable honey oil;
Berry White x OG


Vacuum pump I used is just a hand vacuum pump for bleeding brakes. Was like $25 at Sears and it has attachments to hook up to food saver jars.
You cannot vacuum purge oil without it being heated into a molten state. Hence why I put it in the oven for a little while before vac'ing.
You can use an oil dish instead of smearing your errl onto parchment paper. I however don't have a dish, and like the mobility of PP so that's what I use and recommend. Remember never use wax paper, as it comes off and contaminates your oil.
ALWAYS spray your butane outdoors with no open flame or heat source nearby. It's so easy to end up another asshat on the news because of butanes flammability. Bring it inside for purging once it's no longer runny in the pyrex, just sticky and bubbly.
BEWARE of using materials for your extraction tube. GLASS and STAINLESS STEEL are the best for extracting with no contaminates. Next best is copper BUT ONLY if you thoroughly clean it before every extraction and know how to properly clean copper residue. Last resort is PVC, BUT you need to make sure the grade of PVC will not have compounds going into your oil. Certain types are for chemicals or solvents I believe.
Never use crappy butane like Rosslin or what you find in your garage. Go to a fine cigar shop and they will most likely have a 5x refined butane. Ask specifically for Colibri or Vector... those are the most widely used amongst us shat-heads for making BHO.
General yield estimate
Plant Material-|-Recommended amount Butane-|-Estimated Yield
1oz High quality bud-|-12oz-|-3-6g
1oz Average bud-|-10oz-|-2-4g
1oz low grade bud-|-9oz-|-2-3g
1oz high quality trim leaves-|-12oz-|-3-5g
1oz trim & leaves-|-10oz-|-2-4g
1oz fan leaves-|-8oz-|-1-2g
For my cans of Vector it takes roughly 30 seconds to get through half of the can. Those are Mississippi seconds