Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5374981]I think they would be about the same size, i couldn't say for sure tho. I do believe time determines plant size. Then your container can also effect's the size of your plant. Basically, the plant will grow as much as it can in its situation. And as i have experienced with with my party cups, you can get some nice results even in the smallest of container's. Personally, im going to do 3 gallon pots when i get my 400 watter set bac up. If i used 5 gallons, i would be vegging for a long ass time. At least 3 months or something, get the full potential of the all the soil. But i dont plan on doing anything that long in that i need to make some cash in a good amount of time. Hope all that made sense, i didn't really get the full aspect of what you were trying to explain. Too much kush lol 
Thanks homie!
Nice T, i was wondering where you were at. the XXX's are lookin great, loving those fat leaves. How is the weather? We had some sleet yesterday, shit was a trip. I thought it was gonna snow haha. It was like lil slushes of ice falling.
That space madness leaf reminds of the lil one i got going. Im going to post some pics tomorrow of my lil Party Cup grow. How does the SM smell so far?
That Mr Nice looks great, as well as the Q Train
Thank mon
So how does a cherry cream sickle sound to you for SM?
I gave her a squeeze the other day & was reminded of those ice creams sticks from years past so it looks the like the cross worked
& it was cold but just a frosting here now bad weather but the snow level was @ 500 feeet

Thanks homie!

Nice T, i was wondering where you were at. the XXX's are lookin great, loving those fat leaves. How is the weather? We had some sleet yesterday, shit was a trip. I thought it was gonna snow haha. It was like lil slushes of ice falling.
That space madness leaf reminds of the lil one i got going. Im going to post some pics tomorrow of my lil Party Cup grow. How does the SM smell so far?
That Mr Nice looks great, as well as the Q Train

Thank mon
So how does a cherry cream sickle sound to you for SM?
I gave her a squeeze the other day & was reminded of those ice creams sticks from years past so it looks the like the cross worked
& it was cold but just a frosting here now bad weather but the snow level was @ 500 feeet