lee johnson
am baked ..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................am still watching tho.promise i havnt got my eyez wide shut...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............
Lol well haven't had any time to get to a computer though I think I shall start a new thread today make it a little easier to see the progress I shall link it later if I get around to it..am baked ..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................am still watching tho.promise i havnt got my eyez wide shut...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............
I defiantly am starting one today! I was bummed that I may be too beat after work today to do it or not have access but just got a call no second job today which means time with the girls and I can make a new threadplz do.........................
I defiantly am starting one today! I was bummed that I may be too beat after work today to do it or not have access but just got a call no second job today which means time with the girls and I can make a new threadyay! I hate back to back doubles its how I lost maria last week
she was my favorite...
Hey fab nice to see you backSorry about Maria
Hey fab nice to see you backso don't be sorry about maria! I decided to keep her lime convinced me reminded me of charlie lol said I should try to see...so she is back from the dead so to speak I had 5 leaves left and now..looks good not like before but that's ok! I will see what I can do about pics I think I may be able to get access to a computer..
Yes lime is a wonderful guy and he has helped me with my girls a lot! I need all the help I can get lol so when do you expect to get your grow back up? Can't wait to see..
Good to see me back hadn't really left lol just don't post really but still browse on occasion...thanks so much! Yeah I'm kinda proud of these ones! I'm more focused now! So many told me I shouldn't mess with breeding but I'm happy with my results and I wouldn't be growing right now if I hadn't tried! Wonderful to see ya back..you were being stubborn lolNow that's what I'm talking about!!! Seeing is believing absolutely, they are looking beautiful now! they where in rough shape to but looks like you are doing wonders with these girls....
I'm glad to see you back girl!... I haven't been on lately but popped in just to say..."Amazing!"... You really are !!!
It's showing in ways most would not believe
Look forward to Seeing how these turn out!
What's up everybody? How's it goin' fab? Lime? rene? Sorry I've been AWOL, we've been getting hammered with snow. Shit, it just snowed again today! I'm so fucking sick of snow removal I can hardly stand it!Anyways, that shit's almost over, so things will settle down for a couple of months until wedding season hits. Then it's crazy time all over again.
Hey guys how is everyone tonight? Nice to see ya all backI been awol too but we are all back now
Hey guys how is everyone tonight? Nice to see ya all backnow where's lime.. lol
Lol that's too funny how's it going? Funny I was just thinking about ya the other day and here ya are.... And yeah fab I remember lime is always late lol and me I hjavent changed either still working away and posting as I can!wow, this is the second time ive logged in in over a month and here all you guys are...how is everyone? having fun with the snow? i went swimming on christmas and have worn flip flops since haha.