To muchs nutrients?


Well-Known Member
yo go buy a light soilless mix. Dont add anything to it. Feed water first couple waterings.
Buy grow micro bloom. from GH or AN.
Feed what the bottle says for light feedings untill flowering.
You could get away with 20-20-20 or 10-30-20 its grammas granular ferts.
Do 25-30 plants per 1000w
Grab a 4 inch fan for an outtake.
Dont grow unless you got all the right stuff.


Active Member
If I'm being too nosey then please, ignore me... But I have to ask.... Where did you get the clones from? Did you grow the mother?


Well-Known Member
yo go buy a light soilless mix. Dont add anything to it. Feed water first couple waterings.
Buy grow micro bloom. from GH or AN.
Feed what the bottle says for light feedings untill flowering.
You could get away with 20-20-20 or 10-30-20 its grammas granular ferts.
Do 25-30 plants per 1000w
Grab a 4 inch fan for an outtake.
Dont grow unless you got all the right stuff.

If we are going to switch up his entire style or suggest doing a completely different setup.

Op, check out my sig about my grow and know that you really don't need anything to grow but light and water and decent soil.


Well-Known Member
you aren't screwed.... those are just possibilities, but I would go against them, I've seen people do crazier things with nutrients and had really strong grows from the plant being used to the nutrients at a young age and just grew beastly.... If you aren't confident, just quit.


Active Member
you aren't screwed.... Those are just possibilities, but i would go against them, i've seen people do crazier things with nutrients and had really strong grows from the plant being used to the nutrients at a young age and just grew beastly.... If you aren't confident, just quit.
coo thanks man that actualy made my day better lol im trippin hard


Well-Known Member
When it comes down to it, just put miracle grow in a baby basket and grow with your ceiling lights.


Well-Known Member
i use a quarter bag of cow manure mixed with no nutrient soil per 6 pots gave clones only 1 watering 3" clone then started my nute cycle
780 ppm went into flowering 14 days from a 3 " clone go figure :))
Thanks for the support, I hope you don't get trolled.


Research research dude thats the best thing to do. Ive learned the hard way and ive been at it for 4 years and i learn somethin new everyday. But i always learn it when it to late and ive destroy my babies.


Active Member
i use a quarter bag of cow manure mixed with no nutrient soil per 6 pots gave clones only 1 watering 3" clone then started my nute cycle
780 ppm went into flowering 14 days from a 3 " clone go figure :))
So was your soil 25% cow shit or you used 25& of a bag of cow shit.? And whatever the answer you rooted these clones in this mixture?

Either way congrats on the roots.

But, I challenge ANYONE to root a clone in 50% cow shit and UNCOMPOSTED COFFEE GROUNDS..... I don't think anyone got called a troll for helping.... Maybe for being a troll....


Active Member
The coffe grounds i got were from star bucks. I wanna a honest oppinon is my shit gonna just die? Cuz if they are im gonna throw them away and start over


Well-Known Member
So was your soil 25% cow shit or you used 25& of a bag of cow shit.? And whatever the answer you rooted these clones in this mixture?

Either way congrats on the roots.

But, I challenge ANYONE to root a clone in 50% cow shit and UNCOMPOSTED COFFEE GROUNDS..... I don't think anyone got called a troll for helping.... Maybe for being a troll....
you are now angry because somebody grew with identical ways and using clones.... Now you are looking like you are really angry that you have been proven wrong and now you are trying to get somebody to fail just to make yourself feel better. you have any disablities?


Active Member
The coffe grounds i got were from star bucks. I wanna a honest oppinon is my shit gonna just die? Cuz if they are im gonna throw them away and start over
LOL!!! This post made me laugh!! I know you weren't trying to be funny but the fact you pointed out they came from starbucks really cracked me up. You're a cool dude man I like your attitude.

All I can say is just wait an see buddy. Maybe Teh weed gods will smile upon you!! Good luck friend!!


Active Member
im not angry i just wanna know if they are a waist of time or not!
Nah he is a childish troll talking to me jsut ignore him.

You will be okay dude. Do you have more clones to start over with?? I could help you do this with SUCCESS not GAMBLES like other people are giving you....