Yo my growrooms getting to hott!!!

You guys are something else. PK, you are young and full of enthusiam, I remember those days. Trueno, you are on a high horse, though I agree with you. PK, you should not do this grow in your parents house. Way too much risk, and with the penalties it is not worth it for the little return you will get with a 600w (too large for your space without ventilation) and 40 degree swings in temperature (MJ does not grow in the desert). What I did when I was 18 and wanted to grow was this. I got my parents to buy a trailer out in the middle of nowhere 6 miles from where I went to college, and lucky for me in a different county. I sold them on this by running numbers and showing how the mortgage would be cheaper than paying rent on a dorm. The down payment on the trailer and an acre of land was only $3500. That was way more capital than I could raise at the time and they helped me. The rent on the dorm is just wasted money, the mortgage on a trailer is equity-show your rents how this makes sense. I am almost done paying off the trailer (two more months on a ten year mortgage) that I have since sold to someone else for 92% of what I paid for it-albeit a loss, but more than made up for that and mobile homes do not have a good resale value. So if it is true that you have a good source of income maybe this is something to consider, or you could make an attempt at educating yourself and use that as a reason they should help you. I certainly have no idea what their financial situation is, but since you say that you have someone living above you I assume that they may not be able to help. No offense, just guessing here. Although if it is true that you have a business and have some money I guess you could ask your parents to co-sign on a mortgage. If their credit is bad and cannot help you out with this I propose this-Rent a HOUSE, not an apartment, not a duplex, not anything with neighbors sharing walls, and go to town. If you were thinking of buying a house, you surely have enough money to pay rent for the 4-5 months it will take to get a return, shit, less if you just clone the plants you have now and start those at a new venue, I think with good timing and careful planning you could see a return in 10-13 weeks depending on the strain. I have not seen a post from you (PK) that makes it seem as though you do a lot of preplanning or do any real thinking about your setup. I will add this, since I was once an 18 year old, with a grow under his belt at a friends apartment and all the idealism and energy in the world, I think you should really think about what you are trying to do. Growing 4 ounces for your personal smoke is not worth the risk of going to jail-just pay for your shit. But, if you love the plant and would like to smoke your fill and make some cash to make it worth your while then you have a whole lot of research and thinking to do.

As to your original post- My personal opinion is that you are fucked here. I agree that unless you can block the HPS light coming out of your windows (which is enevitable, unless you light seal all of your windows) you are running a ridiculous risk. Cracking the door of your closet is the problem here, but since you have temp problems this is your option. This is not a viable option. Also, the plants are going to stink, are you going to run a carbon filter in there? That will get you caught almost as fast as HPS light coming out of your 3 windows will. It's a unique color and I could see it immediately glancing at a window, houses don't have that color in the windows ever-well, unless it is a grow operation. I'm not trying to preach here as it is certainly not my place, but I think you need to rethink what you are doing.On another note your 1 gallon pots will be too small to grow 9 plants under a 600w unless you are inducing flowering at a really small height. Your current plan is set up to fail. If you are going to continue this grow at least get a smaller light and black out your windows. The 600w is no joke, it is a hell of a lamp and is the only lamp I run. It is also the most efficient lamp on the market in terms of lumen/watt(you are welcome to try out LED or any other light out there on the market) . I am not inviting anyone to argue the points of light-this is not the thread.

Good luck to you PK, do a little research and think hard about what you are doing and how to do it.


Well-Known Member
Your father should remove your privileges ( roof, food, clothing, etc....). Respect your parents. You may feel that they did an inadequate job. Quit whining, respect your parents, and go seize a piece of this big ball of life.
For the trouser stains who are offering advice, scramble what's left of your grey matter and read a little Aristotle. That was 2300 years ago. We didn't have Ipods 10 years ago.

purple kush16

Active Member
Im not a dumbass that would leave my closet door open and where people can just look in my room or me letting light shine out of my window at night! come on damn.. my shits covered LIGHT PROOF!!


Well-Known Member
yes, i'll be quiet until i figure out your carbon scrubber and O3 generator...

when do you plan to flower?


"Bad" ozone is at ground level. It forms when pollutants from cars, factories and other sources react chemically with sunlight. It is the main ingredient in smog. It is usually worst in the summer. Breathing bad ozone can be harmful, causing coughing, throat irritation, worsening of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, and even permanent lung damage, if you are regularly exposed to it.
Environmental Protection Agency


Well-Known Member
You are talking 40 ppm and higher before known health effects are risked... consumer devices by law have to maintain a rate of 5 ppm, and even then, most of them run in cycles... How come everytime someone mentions an ozone generator, the EPA police start posting? Do some research first. Ozone is used in hospitals for sterilizing, hotels and motels for sterilizing and odor control, The wine industry for sterilizing barrels, airports, and on and on and on. In 1997, it was deemed safe enough to use in food production factories and is approved by OSHA as long as levels are maintained below a hazardous level.

While it is OK to alert people to possible dangers, your blanket alarm statements are just doing a disservice I believe. I use an ozone generator as a second odor control mechanism. It runs 15 minutes then is off for an hour.

"Bad" ozone is at ground level. It forms when pollutants from cars, factories and other sources react chemically with sunlight. It is the main ingredient in smog. It is usually worst in the summer. Breathing bad ozone can be harmful, causing coughing, throat irritation, worsening of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, and even permanent lung damage, if you are regularly exposed to it.
Environmental Protection Agency


Well-Known Member
Hope the rents can't smell...

what was the point of this thread? You are taking advantage of parents, growing in their house without their knowledge. No one should be giving you advice and helping you with this. Go to university and get a degree.

Im 12/12 from seed my 2 older ones just started flowering!!


But i imagine you would agree its not good to have in his closet that is not vented anywhere but his bedroom, in a properly climate controlled environment they are a great idea, in your bedroom closet, not so much. I have never said anything to anyone about this before, just this kid who has the shit in his closet.
And this is WORSE than the kid trying to grow in his dorm room, at least mom and dad won't go to jail for that.


Well-Known Member
Lmao this thread is so rare, that someone is actually so fucking stupid that it makes me laugh. You will be caught. Hopefully you don't ruin your parents lives oin the process. You own your own business do you? What do you do paint adresses on curbs? Lemonade stand? Well at least you could take donations for the mentally handicapped without lieng. You obviously haven't thought of what your parents are going to think when they see there power bill. But a dumbshit like you wouldn't know that power bills show your power usage on a graph that will have gone up. But how could you kno you have never taken care of yourself. That's a great way to repay your parents. I bet you think the refridgerator magically restocks itself. Along with the toilet paper. Grow the fuck up.

Maybe your parents won't find it. Maybe your so smart because your parents are so smart?
Im not defending this guy but let him grow, he's old enof (Im sure) to be responsible for his actions, just hope he doesnt get discovered by the cops, noone wants that to happen too someone. Good luck and just respect your parents, these people are right, be careful cause your parents could (will) get in trouble if you are caught be the po-po. Safe growing too you and all!

purple kush16

Active Member
I know all of this yah act like i havent thote of what will happen to my parents if i get caught!!!! I dont go and run my mouth to my friends "hey i grow weed" if no1 knows ur growing how the fuck do you get caught?? If u tell no1 howwww in the fuck do you get caught???? im about done with this thread il post pics wen i harvest!!! ir il post a blog on my arrest ok?


Well-Known Member
sounds good :)

Although i think you are an idiot for doing what you are doing, at least you seem to be in good spirits for the most part.

be careful man!

purple kush16

Active Member
lol there still growing faster than ever got the ballast on 50% temps staying cool everything going good highest temps now are around 87