UB, LOL, I would be sitting on top of a bell tower waiting for the lazy dumb people who dont care to READ & LEARN and just want to cut to the chase and make you repeat yourself 1,00 times. I read 30plus pages then I actually started to go mad from the same type of douches asking the same questions. It kinda like bothering famous peeps for their autographs. Its gotta get tiring. anywho, you posted a very clear & precise method on how to use YOUR technique and for that I SALUTE YOU!!!
I am a 1st time grower & I read & learned & read some more & even learned a bit more before jumping into growing. I also got tired of the chase of finding quality smoke. I suffer from severe PTSD (nightmares, Cold Sweats, Anxiety, Paranoia, Etc Etc ETc , Facial Scarring from IED my Humvee drove over, Hearing Loss, & Daily Aches & Pains, and in my state I am a criminal for doing the one thing that makes me feel comfortable within my own head, MEDICATING...In My state, last year, MML failed by 6% but is Highly favored to pass this year. Then i wont be a criminal but a Man with a prescription. My Psych Doc says he would prescribe M.M. to over half his patients. Well i guess im telling you this because you are at the forefront of MML being a commercial grower and all. Plus you give Men & Women like myself important information on to successfully produce quality medications... THANX AGAIN!!!
Here the link to pics of my 1st grow of Himalayan Gold 10-14 days till harvest. DWC 400w HPS - Nutes: AN Connoisseur, AN Big Bud, AN Bud Candy, Botanicare Sweet Berry Carbos, Emerald Triangle's Snow Storm Ultra.
I Made so many mistakes like way over trimming, running out of nutes 3 weeks into flowering for 8 days, No timer for 1st 1.5 months, too many to count. But now im more informed and ive learned what to do and not to do...well here the link..
Few Pics for ya'all who dont click on link:

Combat Veterans For Cannabis