The She Just Told Me I Look Like a Junkie


Active Member
Okay im 6' 1" and maybe 155... What do you think?

Is her knew man fat and so shes just jealous or do I look like a Junkie...

Let me know.. I can take it.. I think...



Well-Known Member
i think the response would be different depending on where you live and your generation.

You look normal for where I live and my generation but I could see conservative folks thinking you look like a junkie.

I try to think from the tightest ass conservative person point of view, my mother, and she would judge you.

hope this isn't harsh.

people are always trying to put other people down, i wouldn't take what she says too seriously. if she's your ex, you shouldn't really be communicating. it's not healthy for either of you.


Well-Known Member
are you a junkie, some times people look more like a junkie with a needle hanging out of there arm.


bud bootlegger
ur skinny.. that doesn't make you a junky, trust me.. it does kinda look like your nodding out in the pix though, but i know its just the way your looking at the phone...

most junkies have real bad skin and lots of tats and no curtains on the windows and no blankets on the beds... oh wait.. lol.. joke.. not a junky..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
no u dont look like a junkie, but it really depends on how much junck food u really eat. just because your a little slim doesnt mean u dont eat to much junk food. good luck with the ladies


bud bootlegger
im 6' 3" and 160. hope i dont look like a junkie!

people are just fat from eating corn syrup. nothing wrong with not being fat.
damn capt.. i'm about the same height and weigh about 225 or so.. i only wish people were calling me a junky cuz i looked so skinny... i do need to lay off that corn syrup though, but it works great for sealing my blunts, lol..


Well-Known Member
Are you a junky?

You look like one!

Eat some steaks and pick up something that weighs more than a pair of 26-34 blue jeans. :)