

Well-Known Member
n iff there rly that smart theyll know im a diff person
Even if you are.....though I doubt it....just missing a few letters is not fooling us into thinking you are someone else....but even if you then are clearly in cahoots with canTokez, and purposely stirring up drama.

The mods will see it for what it is, regardless of who you are. At least I hope.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Also....why are you attacking people? Not one person in like 8 pages has attacked anyone. We're correcting him because he's wrong. It's a bong hit. Not a "yetti"

Beardo simple asked if you were raped by big foot. It's a yes or no question. You're clearly not intelligent so I thought I'd explain that.


Well-Known Member
Been called a popper as long as I can remember.....changeing name does not change how its done. Its a bong hit.



Well-Known Member
different strokes for different folks..

i have a couple aussie buddies and they call bongs "billies" or what the fuck ever...

i dont know why this has gotten so heated...we're supposed to be peace loving stoners...not ball busting coke tards...


Active Member
Even if you are.....though I doubt it....just missing a few letters is not fooling us into thinking you are someone else....but even if you then are clearly in cahoots with canTokez, and purposely stirring up drama.

The mods will see it for what it is, regardless of who you are. At least I hope.

lol morons no shit she knows me fuck she lives with me to is there a problem with that? no there isnt any rules being broken so suck it...why would i need two accounts to promote yetties? are you stupid or just dence? i clearly have no problem defending yetties you think i care enough to make a second account to promote them to you mindless idiots?


Active Member
different strokes for different folks..

i have a couple aussie buddies and they call bongs "billies" or what the fuck ever...

i dont know why this has gotten so heated...we're supposed to be peace loving stoners...not ball busting coke tards...

billabong....nuff said


Active Member
lmao i am kyle aka CANtokez (canadian tokez) that is naomi(yetigirl101) she is in the facebook picture i posted first comment is from her she got annoyed of hearing me laugh about what some of you were saying about her beloved yettie and decided to tell you what she thought herself which personally i knew was a stupid idea before she even done it i know how forums work been on many of them i knew what you were all going to say hell if i were doing it myself i would of even used a proxy so the mods wouldnt be able to track me but its not me so no shit im not going to hide anything shes sitting right next to me using the same keyboard with the broken t and y as i do when im on here


Active Member
no comment? when you people realize im just as expirenced if not more expirenced smoker as all you are im also not a stupid mother fucker especialy when it comes to drugs and tax free money if you know what i mean lol i also now how not to get caught and not affraid to say so with my face and name posted up and as an added bonus im very very popular so unlike you fucks i dont need multi accounts to get my point across i know real people who do real yetties lol have fun in moms basement with your vape kid


Well-Known Member
lmao i am kyle aka CANtokez (canadian tokez) that is naomi(yetigirl101) she is in the facebook picture i posted first comment is from her she got annoyed of hearing me laugh about what some of you were saying about her beloved yettie and decided to tell you what she thought herself which personally i knew was a stupid idea before she even done it i know how forums work been on many of them i knew what you were all going to say hell if i were doing it myself i would of even used a proxy so the mods wouldnt be able to track me but its not me so no shit im not going to hide anything shes sitting right next to me using the same keyboard with the broken t and y as i do when im on here

Nobody cares. Call it what you fuckin want. If it tokes good, fuckin fly at it. You're smoking out of a fuckin bong, whether you want to admit it or not.

Nevermind the nasty tobacco. You may have to mask the shit taste of your weed with tobacco, but some people got the goods...

Hash Plant and Juicy Fruit right here....proper.

My bong fucks my face, and I like


Well-Known Member
im FUCKING toasted......kinda blurry screen and iam typeing real slow to get it down right. I can read and underestand for the most part right now but its fadeing lOL mind thinkinf wierd shit lol

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
no comment? when you people realize im just as expirenced if not more expirenced smoker as all you are im also not a stupid mother fucker especialy when it comes to drugs and tax free money if you know what i mean lol i also now how not to get caught and not affraid to say so with my face and name posted up and as an added bonus im very very popular so unlike you fucks i dont need multi accounts to get my point across i know real people who do real yetties lol have fun in moms basement with your vape kid
1. Your plain ignorant. No other way to put it. Just ignorant.
2. F.Y.I. being a drug dealer and also being popular are things that any good dealer knows not to mix. Also talking about doing drugs then making videos of yourself and a bad idea...where are your proxies now? I wouldn't be worried about the mods and your Ip....
3. I live in a house and I have exactly one account. I don't need to twist definitions and make shit up and attack people to get my point across. However I do tend to dumb it down for you so your brain doesn't overload on your 100 yetties AND thinking.
5. Profit.

P.S. You and "Naomi" are terrible at spelling and grammar. Which sucks. Because I can't take you seriously.


Active Member
gwade 9 edjamacation and to much hard drug abuse fucked me poors heads ups me sorry haha naomi has collage and who said i was a drug dealer? never once said that your putting words in my mouth i aint never said you sir must be the one fuck in the head lol