
last i checked this stuff was legal in the states. but where can i find it online? im not jokin when i say i looked for like 2 days and still couldnt find somewhere that sells it. if you know anything hip me up with a pm.. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
and we dont solicit sources openly on this forum, and posting a thread about it is not exactly the way to get one.

also man i just looked real quick and you can totally find that through google...

you tried 5 meo amt heatless?? care to share your experinces with it?


Well-Known Member
last i checked this stuff was legal in the states. but where can i find it online? im not jokin when i say i looked for like 2 days and still couldnt find somewhere that sells it. if you know anything hip me up with a pm.. thanks guys

find you a few sites that sell samples, and send them some money, its a gamble, but you cant win if you dont play


Well-Known Member
and we dont solicit sources openly on this forum, and posting a thread about it is not exactly the way to get one.

also man i just looked real quick and you can totally find that through google...

you tried 5 meo amt heatless?? care to share your experinces with it?
i have never partaken
but I do research my shit before I "do" it.

I am past my experimental phase.
I have found my true loves.
THC, LSD, DMT, MDMA, and Psilocybin

and it is going to stay at that.

but i have read up a lot about 5 meo amt
and it does not sound appealing when you compare it to LSD.
and when I read "death at high doses" several times in brief or long synopsis about 5meo amt.
i instantly think yuck!


Well-Known Member
I see, im a little more forgiving when it comes to a new experince, but still theres plenty out there i'll never touch...

the 5meo lines have a pretty high "resale" value, so i was looking into them.....


Well-Known Member
i took 12mg and had a manic night split personality sorta shit!was fucking brilliant though!id say go for it and sorry i cant trll you the legality of it.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
i have never partaken
but I do research my shit before I "do" it.

I am past my experimental phase.
I have found my true loves.
THC, LSD, DMT, MDMA, and Psilocybin

and it is going to stay at that.

but i have read up a lot about 5 meo amt
and it does not sound appealing when you compare it to LSD.
and when I read "death at high doses" several times in brief or long synopsis about 5meo amt.
i instantly think yuck!
That is not bad BBQ ....
You are missing three important compounds.
If you want to venture past that 'true love thing'
whatever it might stand for ...

As also deeper understanding of what you already
experimented with .... and experienced. (hight dosage runs)
And you will be ready to enter the Next Phase.

3 more compounds.


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Havnt tried it but i would eat it.. Sorry i dont know where to get it.. But i am pretty sure it's still legal in the U.S...


Well-Known Member
That is not bad BBQ ....
You are missing three important compounds.
If you want to venture past that 'true love thing'
whatever it might stand for ...

As also deeper understanding of what you already
experimented with .... and experienced. (hight dosage runs)
And you will be ready to enter the Next Phase.

3 more compounds.

dude! bahahaha!
i fucking love this guy! :D

I'm familiar with level L ..... shall I jump backwards to level K?


Active Member
I bought a half gram of 5-meo-amt online about 5 years ago. I don't think its legal to obtain anymore. I remember when I got it, it came in a lil purple vial with a skull and cross bones saying not for human consumption for research purposes only haha but i grabbed a nail file and ate a lil bump, 30 mins went by and i didn't feel nothing so i ate another bump and i was FUCKED UP, its like a real speedy hard acid trip. I've tried 2ce and 2ci before and 5-meo-amt blows them away. I'd love to come across this stuff again, when it was legal i got that .5g for $125 I believe and you only needed 5mgs. I ate that stuff for like a month straight. I never thought tripping would get old but it has, I blacked out the last 2 times I ate acid and thought I died and was in hell, i ate 10 nice sized paper hits the 1st black out, then the 2nd one i ate 4 gellys then did a huge line of Ketamine and that ended up making me feel all daijuave feeling like i was having the same bad trip as before. but anyways I'm rambling. 5-meo-amt is the shit defently worth getting if you can get your hands on it.