Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


Well-Known Member
I have used Floramiticide/Avid with success. I spray with Neem Tree Oil water once a week too.
RiddleMe gave me a great one for Powdery Mildew. 1 part Milk to 9 parts water. It worked great when I had it last spring.
When I started using Jack's I noticed it has a pH of 6.2 to 6.4 so no wonder why it works so well.
Yup I was cycling through all of it neem one week, milk 10-1 one week ,till I gave up and used sulpher .
Nice nugget of info there on the Jack's P.H. ,I've never read that one . That would work perfect with my RO water and a shot of molassas. I'm just going to have to run a plant on Jacks I guess and see . I think I've been stuck on the organic road too much . +rep


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1467038downsized_0227112045a.JPGdownsized_0227112042.JPGHey ub no kinky here just 1OF MY 2 autoflowering ultraviolet's from samsara seeds ,reason i asked my ?about a plant being done much earlier than suggested time and from previous grow times . I was wandering if it was from keeping it green and healthy all the way,and that the grow enviroment was good and this resulted in it being done early or if you think it was just genetic .heres a pic not the best tho .


Well-Known Member
I built a DIY Sulfur burner too. I use it every once and a while too.
I fell for the organic BS too a year ago when I started growing. UB & RiddleMe showed me how it isn't some Holy Grail for growing. I use both as the needs show me. I think a great soil to start is important. Hope the Jack's works for you.


Well-Known Member
(just gotta say hats off to you guys and your knowledge exhibited on this thread i am learning alot !!!!)


Active Member
I do not want to get into a pissing match about "organics". It is true that the plant can;t tell the difference between a synthetic and an organic molecule... that is a fact jack. But mother earth, the micro life and a whole bunch of other things can,,,, part of growing this sacred plant well is becoming in touch with all of its many gifts... organic awareness and environemental awareness go along with it.... Just my 2 cents worth


Well-Known Member
I do not want to get into a pissing match about "organics". It is true that the plant can;t tell the difference between a synthetic and an organic molecule... that is a fact jack. But mother earth, the micro life and a whole bunch of other things can,,,, part of growing this sacred plant well is becoming in touch with all of its many gifts... organic awareness and environemental awareness go along with it.... Just my 2 cents worth
I'll see your 2 cents and raise you 4 :) learning both and combining them in stratigies that work is the ultimate gift, best of both worlds
does require a bit of a bigger learning curve though


Well-Known Member
I'll see your 2 cents and raise you 4 :) learning both and combining them in stratigies that work is the ultimate gift, best of both worlds
does require a bit of a bigger learning curve though

I start out with an amended mix, hotter than LC's, not as hot as Super Soil.

If deficiency's pop up, I have both Jack's Classic and Dyna-Gro for a quick shot of whatever is needed.

A little bit of chem isn't going to wipe out your micro herd and neither will using straight tap water.

One can do quite well using both techniques, but like you said, it is a larger learning curve.



Well-Known Member
Man you guys are great ! All of that is what I have been needing to hear , Thanks a bajillion tons !
I can head in the right direction now . +rep for all contributers!


Active Member
All of the above is so true... and we all get to make choices... now I prefer to base more of mine on the future needs of our planet... I cannot change the world... but I can strive to change a small part that is around me... Peace Love Happiness


Active Member
UB I needed to come here for some of your sanity. I went venturing into unknown grow journals and saw nothing but "check your Ph every day" type comments and pictures of poor flowing plants dying of nitrogen deficiencies.

Anyway to brighten you day I bring you a picture of my "Insane Lady". Basically I screwed up. When she was sprouting from seed her seed stuck to her cotyledon so I tried a bit of surgery and slipped and cut her little head off. Surprisingly she survived it..however she has been growing strangely ever since. She actually looks like she will be a good producer (from her preflowers). She is a c99 Hybrid. These pics are from a few weeks ago. She is much bigger and healthier now, but still a strange looking plant.


The rest of my girls are fine ;)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB I needed to come here for some of your sanity. I went venturing into unknown grow journals and saw nothing but "check your Ph every day" type comments and pictures of poor flowing plants dying of nitrogen deficiencies.
Can't really tell what's going on, but the internodes are really short suggesting a N deficiency, problem with the root system....it's hard to tell.

Wanna look like a fool? Tell everyone who asks about their problem to check their pH. You'll get a "thanks", slap on the butt, and some "rep", man. :lol:

Good luck,


Active Member
I honestly think her problem is related to the trauma she suffered at birth and not a nutrient problem. She is the same strain, in the same soil and same nutes as the rest. The only difference is she got her head accidentally chopped off as a seedling. Here is a pic of the rest of the healthy girls in her group:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I honestly think her problem is related to the trauma she suffered at birth and not a nutrient problem. She is the same strain, in the same soil and same nutes as the rest. The only difference is she got her head accidentally chopped off as a seedling. Here is a pic of the rest of the healthy girls in her group:
View attachment 1468824
Save space and dump it.


Active Member
Save space and dump it.
Well space right now is not an issue and I am curious to see how she turns out. I guess when you have been growing as long as you have UB, you lose some of that compassion for individual plants that I still have. ;) Thanks though!