Club 600

The Canadian tire part # 068-1226-8
I dont like plastic just not safe in my mind.
yes i sell 3 1/4 inch micro scubbers that work great in small cabs or just to sit in a room. I just make them for locals that i know and hang with. they work well and are refillable but the guys just buy new 1s after a year or so. i will post a pic when im done this 1 tomorrow.
That's kick light tight will it be and what will you be using around the doors to make it light tight.....I know it's your mother box so light leaks aren't a big deal but for security reasons I'm curious.....I've looked at those at the big box stores and just thought that it would be a pain to seal the center of the double doors.
weather striping and there is a lip on the door that overlaps the other
i will be sure to post a little how to when im done :)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
When Im in home improvement stores all I can think about is how I could use everything in there to grow lol I will never be a millionaire because Ill spend the money on growing or something ells productive before it gets to that point. Or I could say the day Im a millionaire I'll have a million dollar grow opp. :-D


Well-Known Member

Allright peeps.....Here is Warlock...getting closer...leaves are really yellowing and some starting to purp!!!She just got her last feed...gonna wait 5 days and give a little flush then probably another flush 4-5 days after that...then let her dry up for a few more days then chop.
Super Frosty!!!! Smells like lemons and berries!!!!

So there she's she look!!!​
Gorgeous man, I have a Warlock going now she has 3 main colas that are alright, 1 main and I would say 2 secondary because I never turned her. A test I was doing to try something out someone on here posted. Anyway she couldn't look more different than yours. Mine has round colas, they dont go to a point at all, they are round. Pretty cool looking, I havent posted pics in a while, I may be getting a new camera tomorrow so maybe some pics and maybe a video tomorrow night. Im having issues with my plants, the issue being they had shit light for the first 3 weeks and it set them back big time so they are taking too fucking long. I am looking to take my Galaxy in 2 weeks, everything else has at least 3 weeks left. Thanks to the fairy for the headband seeds a while back, they are looking indica as fuck, short with fat ass leaves. Hoping for good things from them, still need to send the fairy out myself, I have had so much going on lately, a bit too much for my liking. The Heribei is looking nice as well, for anyone interested in that strain, that seed had a tap root sticking out of the seed in about 18 hours. And it looks mostly indica, thats all I have for now. My solo cup MK Ultra clone is fucking beautiful, but the 1 gallon plant is MUCH bigger. I think she is going to be an 8 weeker. Mom went longer due to low temps at the end of the grow. My Wappa clone is coming on nicely too. From these clones I have decided I definitely want to start using smaller potters. 5 gallons are too big, almost a waste of soil. I could probably get away with 3 gallon potters and be happy with the results. Ok I have said enough, take care Club 600, I hope everyone is good, I have some catching up to do.
Thanks for the info budmaster. Yeah I don't mind the plastic for my veg as I just use T5's and the temp is very low. I can't find that unit on their website but just like everything else when building my growroom I upsold myself and got this.

Just kidding. But that would be sweet.;jsessionid=NrvRcFhtJmH3PhKFnjj5WhMhn4TJdl4jC6LB6W1t1ZVXXgN4CfJL!1635371468?PRODUCT<>prd_id=845524443305379&bmUID=1298870129120

try that :)


Well-Known Member
Thanx Dez! I think it might be too low too. Do you know what ph I should aim for with Sunshine mix 4?
I was using the ph strip thing b4, now I have it set with a meter to 6.0
The strips ar not accurate, but told me 6-6.5
I noticed you said it was a soil-less mix... so something similar to coco?? If so then you should treat your water as if it is hydro


Well-Known Member
I noticed you said it was a soil-less mix... so something similar to coco?? If so then you should treat your water as if it is hydro
Thanx ii is Sunshine mix #4

Sunshine Mix #4 / LA4

Mix #4 is recommended where high air capacity and fast drainage are needed: during winter months, with water and salt sensitive crops, or where frequent leaching is required.

Available Sizes

Available in 110 cu ft; loosefill totes; 55 cu ft; 3.8 cu ft; 2.8 cu ft loosefill.

Formulated with Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, coarse perlite, starter nutrient charge (with Gypsum) and dolomitic limestone.

This mix is highly recommended for nursery stock, perennials, cutting propagation, hanging baskets and interior-sca

So does this mean a PH of 5.8? I have no idea! The company wont even give me a straight answer.


Well-Known Member
I get red x's in this thread but can see them in the repost in your thread. I can't see the original post in your thread though.

Bothe of those strains look incredible btw.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks man think its if i dont attach the images in manage attachments.

EDIT: how bout now? honestly every time the RIU gods do an update something goes tits up in its place. get a like system, lose a last 5 threads......