First indoor grow looking for a little help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
002.jpg004.jpg005.jpgHey guys whats up!!!! Sooo its been three days since i have done a update and i am really stoked with the growth in these last three days... I topped two of here bud sites yesturday so that makes a total of three times i have topped this baby now... I have really been going crazy on the LST as well in the last few days she looks great and really healthy... Everything seems to be going as planned right now so in another 8 days i am going to start the flowering process and i cant wait to see what she is going to do when those soft whites start hitting her i am sooo stoked lol well anyways today is day 22 and here are some of the pics i jsut took on my lunch break...


Well-Known Member
hey man im glad i can finally see what you got goin on lol, I like what I see man you gotta bush goin haha


Well-Known Member
well guys today is day 23 and she is getting huge going to the store right the fuck now to get the 2700k bulbs i think i am also going to step in up a nice notch and add another 3 cfls to see what happens for flowering..... One thing i do notice is that alot of my leaves are getting str8 light which is why she is growing soo fast... Well anyways that is that and tomorrow i am going to throw up some update pics soooo bed ready bois


Well-Known Member
Well guys today marks day 24 and i was afraid that i was going to run out of room in the long run sooo i decided i was going to switch her to flower today!!! I went out and bought all of my soft whites. I got 9 all together so i am stepping it up three bulbs now for flower . I also changed my water out and added my Flora Nova bloom nutes and last but not least i switched her lighting to 12-12 so in about 5 days or sooo i should be seeing some hairs and i am soooo stoked well any ways here are some of the pics that i took today.... LET ME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK!!!! She is deff the healthiest and fastest growing plant i have seen in real life and this is also my first indoor grow let alone using the hydro bubble bucket which is working great. P.S. The little one you see going here is big budda cheese non fem soo we will see what happens she is gong to be on 12 12 from birth lol005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg001.jpg


Well-Known Member
005.jpg002.jpg003.jpg001.jpg005.jpg002.jpg003.jpg001.jpgOk guys today marks day 25 and she is growing soo fast... Like i said like 2 posts ago i have swiched her over to her new bloom nutes and changed all my bulbs to 2700k soft whites and i also added three more bulbs soo now i am working with 9 26w bulbs on this one plant and she is just fucking loving it... Well here are some of the pics that i took.. OOOOO and i also have a few quick ?'s ....... With the small area that i am using which is actually a dresser of mine i dont think i would be possible to run a HPS or MH or somehting liike that just because of the heat factor soo i am kind of restricted to CFLS.. Well any ways here is the ? right now i am working with 9 26w cfl's would it be better for me to go and buy the 18 in t5 and use rather than the bulbs i am using now or do you really not think that it would make much of a difference exept give me a little more space up top cause the t5 is a lot bit more compact.... So if any one has been using cfls and swithced to a t5 and noticed a good difference in growth let me know cause i will go out and buy one of those fuckers today lol.. well here are the pics of day 25


Well-Known Member
Im about to switch mine to flower too, Im right about the4 same point you are so you should check out mine, we can use each other as a progress tracker


Active Member
right on dude nd its about lumens nd i think the 26W cfls have like 1600 lumens each so 1600 X 9 = 14,400 and compare how many lumens the T5 has nd which has more is better imo


Active Member
looking good what nuts did you use in your last grow i was looking at it and you had some pretty fat buds


Well-Known Member
Im about to switch mine to flower too, Im right about the4 same point you are so you should check out mine, we can use each other as a progress tracker
Wow sooo you really think she is going to be growing alot faster once she is in full out flower???? I mean i dont really have the room for that but i was always planing on knocking out the bottom drawer of this dresser so that will give me at least another 12in on the top other that that ever thing is going great other that one of my dormant tops is starting to grow str8 into one of my walls so i am really having to LST the fuck out of her side ways i will put in the pics tommorrow.... But any ways thanks you for tuning in and all the complaments and yours shit is looking great as well hope everything turns out good with flowering... Was yours from a bagseed or was it femed???


Well-Known Member
right on dude nd its about lumens nd i think the 26W cfls have like 1600 lumens each so 1600 X 9 = 14,400 and compare how many lumens the T5 has nd which has more is better imo
Hey bro thanks for checking out my little one plant grow!!! Im soo stoked just put her in flower yesturday...Anyways yeah that is what i was thinking i have to go up to the shop to see what the actual lumens are on the 18 in t5 ive looked a lil online but i have seen a few diff things and i dont know what to believe so i would rather just figure out from my hydro guys... Other than that i deffinatly cannot complain i am having GREAT growth right now i dont know if it would even be a smart idea to even change my light system........ But any ways thanks for tuning in and your shit is looking good as well keep up the good work!!!


Well-Known Member
looking good what nuts did you use in your last grow i was looking at it and you had some pretty fat buds
Thanks man been putting alot of work into her for sure... I dont really know what grow you are looking at cause this is the first one i have ever posted and the first one i have ever done indoors... Other than that i used all fox farm Grow Big nutes for all of my out door grows and always had Great results.. But really man thank you for tuning in and you better stay posted new pics coming almost every day!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whtas going on... Not to much going on here didnt get the time to take any new pics today because my light was shutting of in 45 min and one of my good friends decided to ask me if i wanted to buy a brand new 150w Flora lux HPS for 80 bux soo i bought that and decided that i was going to hang that in the 45 min that i had left rather than snap off a few pics... Well any ways i got the new light in there and man sheeee loooks soooo nice@!!!!!!!! I also took the bottome shelf out of the cabinet and now i have much more room well any ways thanks for all the comments and stay posted i will have new pics tomorrow and i will also have some other pics of the light... I know this is a CFL forum and believe me we all seen my growth with cfls and you know i will never hate on them especially for vegitation growth... But has anyone ever used one of the 150w and how were your results??? Thanks for all the comments


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what up... Like i said i got that new light and i would post some pics today.. and i am always true on my word so here they are.. Like i said she is growing like a weed right now and i am really stoked with just progressive growth at the moment.. today i think is day 5 of flower and i am still not seeing sex. She wasnt ready to flower but i dont have the room and i need her to start right now!!!! i would probably say another 3 days before i see anything but i hope not well any ways here are the pics014.jpg009.jpg019.jpg017.jpg013.jpg015.jpg022.jpg016.jpg012.jpg021.jpg011.jpg010.jpg


Well-Known Member
looking real healthy man. The plant seems to have some mature leaves and the internodes so I dont think flowering will take too much longer to start.

How are you liking hydro?