The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My mate brought some TD from barneys in the dam back last week n it really was a taste sensation :) he also said the guy in barneys was letting him have a sniff at the new stuff and he said the vanilla kush smelled like dirty pond water n just wasnt appealing at all.
ahh ive heard a lot about the TD i want 2 try it, was ment 2 b in dam this weekend but was unable to go, but i last went in november and 1st tried the vanilla kush in popeyes and it was a definate buy it smelled and tasted great! i would most definately buy it again

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Gonna buy my first seeds in a year or so tomorrow :) looking at a pair of exodus cheese and then due to money, just 2 or 3 others, maybe something TGA maybe something mr nice. I do fancy a lovely sleepy indica :)

Bloody rubbish day out today, all grey and blrrr, think i'll pop a mozarella garlic bread in the oven and pop the kettle on.


Well-Known Member
Gonna buy my first seeds in a year or so tomorrow :) looking at a pair of exodus cheese and then due to money, just 2 or 3 others, maybe something TGA maybe something mr nice. I do fancy a lovely sleepy indica :)

Bloody rubbish day out today, all grey and blrrr, think i'll pop a mozarella garlic bread in the oven and pop the kettle on.
Am I reading this right? Exodus Cheese seeds?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yeah. Greenthumb has been doing them for an unkown period, spotted them about 2 weeks ago, and greenhouse has long stated tey will be releasing it and it finally is available to buy. Intend to buy one but will hedge my bets and say that a side by side grow will have me two rather different plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Greenthumb has been doing them for an unkown period, spotted them about 2 weeks ago, and greenhouse has long stated tey will be releasing it and it finally is available to buy. Intend to buy one but will hedge my bets and say that a side by side grow will have me two rather different plants.
That's right. I forgot about DR Greenthumb.

As far as I know you already have Exodus, so do you mean you will be comparing theirs with your own? Or theirs with each other?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, was gifted a couple by a member when i first started growing. Never been a fan of greenhouse, grown nowt but crap from them, but would like to actually grow it up alongside so that i can for earnest say whether it's shit or not.


Well-Known Member
Women fucking drivers! I was behind one on my way home earlier and she indicated to turn left and what does she go and do? She actually turns left!

How am I supposed to prepare myself with these fucking mind games?


Well-Known Member
Aye, was gifted a couple by a member when i first started growing. Never been a fan of greenhouse, grown nowt but crap from them, but would like to actually grow it up alongside so that i can for earnest say whether it's shit or not.
wot was it crossed with ttt? curious as of why you d want to bother with a gimmick. if i was you mate id save your money and get somethin else but thats Photo0188.jpgme !! and this is from someone that has grown more cheese than i can remember lol but i cant see it being anythin near as good as it ancestor!!!Photo0160.jpg

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, it's only £3, no reason not to. And i can't very well sit here and say that it's nowt on the real thing if i've no idea :D i've too much space in my cab not to add something into it. Currently got just 1 plant in there under the 600w. Need to get some reg seeds this time around, fancy trying my hand at spluffing :D


Well-Known Member
Aye, was gifted a couple by a member when i first started growing. Never been a fan of greenhouse, grown nowt but crap from them, but would like to actually grow it up alongside so that i can for earnest say whether it's shit or not.
Great. Seeming as I can't get hold of the real deal, I'll be interested on your take on those seeds.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
livers/blues quite a few people on the site have the strain, spose to be some of the smelliest nicest smoke you can get.

not too shore but i think ive read on here that its a fucked up northan lights pheno from 1989?
Blueberry,and usually the Dutch Passion one cos it yields better than DJ's. Stacks of it round here.


Well-Known Member
I picked them off my plant last night. Burst them and no pollen, some even had a small hair in them. Are they ballsballs1.jpgballs2.jpg

If they are, they are in the right place - on a womans chin. lol