You are just showing your own arrogance and lack of ability to think for yourself. Have you ever heard of Google? I've actually done water cures and I even provided a pic of the difference.... What experience do you have?
You are new here aren't you? I suggest you talk less and read more, if you want to learn something.

Calling BS on a piece of advice given by someone whom has actually undergone the process is BS in and of itself.
You will lose some weight. My 10 ounces became a little under 6. The water dissolves all the BS. You will lose weight. It stands to reason that if you aren't losing THC in the process, the ratio of THC per gram of bud is going to increase. You still end up with the exact same amount of THC you entered with, you are just compacting it into smaller buds, if that makes sense. The terpinoids are somewhat water soluble. The water will extract the oils and you will pour them down the drain. They are responsible for giving the bud it's aroma and flavor.