Hey Illumination, Icannabis is a lucky dog in the wife department

You are too funny, your wife wants you to grow a weaker strain and you told her okay when you knew there was no way you will grow a weak strain

I have to try this strain that has your wife brain dead.
you are blessed with a wise smart and awesome wife...although I thought that is what we all do....hmmm...must be just her and I think alike?
My girl goes braindead every time she smokes the lsd...asked me to grow something not as strong ...told her ok.....
Cool, thanks Illumination man for the info. I use Fox Farm soil and Technaflora nutrients. I will fed every time I make it rain.
Exactly my friend......just slowly back off on the grow ...if you notice any yellowing go back to the ratio of bloom grow...and though I dont know I am assuming you are using fox farm...if so use big bloom per the directions as well...even if you need to cut back a little on the other two to keep your ec in check that is fine....if I remember correctly(I only use big bloom by fox farms, dont like their others ...over priced and i dont like the ratios) Big Bloom is where they put some trace elements in as well as it is really a soil conditioner that keeps things alive and well in the soil...is the main reason I use it
growing using water??
Suggest Barney's Farm LSD for the strong strain....it is
Hope it helps
ps-I make it rain then feed immediately after last rain gallon...every time they need water ...ie
every time the pots are light
So Icannabis, you are going to try soil this grow? It's much easier using soil than hydroponics imo. How could your friend say the Blue Mystic weed was weak, I glad you set his ass straight and sent him home very high

Hey Icannabis, have you thought about growing the same strain that leaves Illumination's wife brain dead every time she smokes it

That LSD, White Widow or Chocolope (BKB just harvest this strain). How's the stealth setup coming along?
Yeah Illunination as in Hydroponics...lol...but he maybe wrong I might try soil. Just depends on the final setup. I've always grow pretty strong weed what I mean is on the top end of what the genes allow...I'll quote her "you need to grow some shit that will kill Reggie" Reggie is a friend of mine that smoked a whole joint and passed out on the couch crying within 20 minutes...then he called me a couple days later and tried to tell me that my BM was weak and he wouldn't give dollars 60 a half for it. So I made him a deal...I told him I'd blaze him out if he put 120 dollars on the coffee table and I'd bring a half of the BM if he could stop me from taking the money I'd take whatever he offered but if he couldn't I'd give him a quarter of it and he was not allowed to low ball me ever again. Needless to say Reggie isn't low balling me anymore. I think I'm going to give Afghan Hindu Kush a try and White Russian. And Chief I'd never forget to give you the address who am I going to get to test the final product? Maybe you could suggest a few strains too?
I agree BKB, soil is more forgiving than hydro. I tried it a couple of times and messed up a lot of Chronic seeds, I never did get to grow any.
Proof is in the Perk my brotha!!!! I strongly recommend that if anyone grows in soil, try it once and you will see a difference! Fresh flushed soil and nutes every feeding! Of course a plant will explode with growth!
People are so funny, the weed is too strong

Strong weed just means that you can smoke less and your weed will last longer.
Ok now I follow....awesome story...I had a friend that told me the high end that I grow wasn't as good as the Mexican brick schwagg he smokes that I wouldn't even make budda with...lol
So I rolled a jay of lsd and we smoked it....then he asked me if I could drive him home cause no way he could drive....he still smokes his brickweed cause my stuff is too strong....lol...sure is a different reason now...lmfao
Hydro huh? Not for me...why make it hard and create the potential for catastrophes? Just dont see enuff benefits compared to soil....none actually as the potency taste and smell are no better...the only plus I have seen is a little faster growth and completion but then even that is questionable....gonna stick to my soiless myself
My seeds are from Nirvana.
Yeah I'm pretty sure those are all nirvana strains...