I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Well-Known Member
nothing bounceing titties....she ask for donation and nothing in return........a helping hand from strangers ......she didnt want advice just cash.


Well-Known Member
ahaha. I wonder HOW Many diff Sites this Chick posted this thread. IF she made it to RIU.. imagine, she hit up Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, THCFarmer, GrassCity, TubGirl.com all of them SHE CLEANED US OUT.!.


Well-Known Member
why can't you wait tables in the evening? I used to make well ove $300 cash in an evening bartending. There are ways to make money other than asking for it. I bet you could get a couple hundred for the computer.

I have gotten interenet guys to send me money but never from a message board. Of course I pissed the money away on shopping.


Well-Known Member
No wonder why her Man left her. She sits on the comp all day and gets Mail with Cash from different men every Week.
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