I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
yesi have family but they're worse off than me..

and PAYDAY loans have REDICULOUS interest charges and i asked about it and everyone told me it was the worst thing to get involved in....
Stay away from PAYDAY loans.... you're in enough shit as it is.


Well-Known Member
Why would a landlord evict you over 300.00 if the money might be available in two weeks? It would cost him more to move in new tenants.
Exactly! and in this economy the apartment would just sit empty. and thats after the landlord has to pay to get the place cleaned up and ready to go.


Well-Known Member
Well I think the Moral of this Thread is that I would not have left you if you were my wife. :) makes perfect sense.


Active Member
How do you know that She isnt really just some junkie trying to hustle?

You dont.

and i am very far from being "razzed up" lol
razzing someone up where im from is just fucken with them, and i was hoping you would of seen the angle i was striking at, i wouldnt expect you to be in slightest way worried, i do just know after going through her prof and some old posts and friends connects that yeah she is who she says she is, and quite frankly a little niave and inmature in ways that are affecting her outlook on situations like the one that has arised. thats my opinion anyways, lets juz kick back and see if she will actually put up some pics hey' ;)


Active Member

THIS is me. This is not a scam.

Whatever.... I really need help and im doing what i can without whoring myself.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
If there's one thing in the world that can magically pull money out of the air (besides the FED) it's a vagina. Hell, even that ol' crusty broad in the original avitar should be able to sling some P.
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