I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Well-Known Member
I talked to a lawyer and that apparently isn't true? I thought it was the law but i guess not.

Instead of asking for money to be given directly to You (which no one will ever do) Ask that the money be sent DIRECTLY to the Property owner.

There are too many dope-head tweekers who pull this all the time.

(im not saying youre a dope head)


Well-Known Member
Hurry Before FDD comes and ruins the party!!! we all know he has the Cash !! Greedy Greedy FDD.. Gets all the BUD, gets all the POSTs, gets all the Banned Nakey Pix. Not fair.


Active Member
Instead of asking for money to be given directly to You (which no one will ever do) Ask that the money be sent DIRECTLY to the Property owner.

There are too many dope-head tweekers who pull this all the time.

(im not saying youre a dope head)

That's exactly what i was hoping for.... basically a money order made out to my landlords and sent to them..... i mean it would be great if anyone could do that.. but for some reason i have little faith right now....


Well-Known Member
I got some extra money so I help you out.How should we do this?
I have followed you on some threads and read you had it pretty tuff comin up. Can you help this person out with some advise on how to hustle and make some cash????
Peasy, I'm in the same boat, fuckin 30 days behind on me truck, 15 days behind on me insurance. Lights are paid, water is paid I got enough food till tuesday. I harvest on SUnday but will have to dry for a few days and wait on the cash, So I hear ya. Do ya know anyone who would spot ya some weed to sell. Just tryin to help out. I'm fuckin Combat Veteran USMC and I can't get no help. WTF is happening to our country????? We used to take care of our own. I fear my friend we are watching the falling of modern Rome..... I hope not, but it sure a fuck looks like it.....

I know this sucks but can u sell your car and keep 300 and buy a beater with the rest???


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you need to get rid of your VEHICLE and start using public transportation. It sucks ass and takes forever but its dirt cheap.
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