Where IT all starts...LSD

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Umm then whats the point of this post then? Reviewing your earlier posts looks like you never have anything intelligent or helpful to say anyways why are you here?

Awesome link btw always looking for new information on lsd makes each journey that much more interesting.
Shit all I did is suggest that the book may have errors. People should know that before they go and dive into making the shit. No need to crucify me.


Well $hit... after reading about the first 100 steps there and seeing 100 more that I dont understand... I am SO grateful someone decided to do this instead of me. I will have much more respect for that 1 dose that took so long to reach me from now on that is for sure.

Its hard to believe we were meant to decipher such involved chemistry but I guess its all in due time.