It's either pot or me---choose. <--- how do you deal with this shit from a lover?


Well-Known Member
get rid of em.......move on........bury the body deep though...........smell is what gets most ppl caught....deep deep.......................


Well-Known Member
you're too young to take shit from anyone. It's not like you're married with kids and dependent. I wouldn't want to be with that person. get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
there's the door...get the fuck out. *points*

then scrub and store everything for 6 or 8 months...longer if they are off the deep end.
actually...SP pretty much nailed it...bury deep.


Well-Known Member
Find someone who's cool with it. It just drains you when someone constantly rags on what you do. Fuck em.


Well-Known Member
Vouch what the rest say. Too many times did I try to change myself for someone else just to realize 6 months later that I was wasting time. My girl doesn't like that I smoke, really not pleased that I grow, but knows better than to mention it - bug me about it out of the question.


Well-Known Member
There's no way that you've been in this relationship longer then a couple years, so it's def. not worth it. Tell them to kick rocks.


Active Member
I would never choose a man over mary jane. I've also recently decided i can't be with someone who doesnt smoke as much as I do. Its YOUR life girl, do what you wanna do.


Well-Known Member
That attitude is not high school mentality......grown adults are pricks trying to change a control freak...........if it aint fun move to short to hang with losers trying to change you and make you conform to thier idea of what a person should do or not do........Jerks come in all ages


Active Member
yeah, it just gets really fucking annoying when i hear someone say,

"one day that's going to stop [smoking bud]."

"if this doesn't discontinue fairly soon [smoking bud], I can't be with you; I can't progress with this kind of lifestyle. I want to be mature and adult-like."

"suck down that bowl, that's all you know what to do these days."

"WOW. do you reeeeeally have to smoke a bowl before we leave the house? (YES, because I have to go to your fucking mom's house. lol)

yeah, it's piss poor.


Well-Known Member
The number one thing i look for in a mate is tolerance.

I smoke pot.
I play ALOT of dorky stuff.

And she is okay with it.

Id say talk to them about it, as long as smoking isnt interfering with your life in a negative way there should not be a issue.

I wouldnt worry about it your young and pretty m sure you could fine someone more compatible.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it just gets really fucking annoying when i hear someone say,

"one day that's going to stop [smoking bud]."

"if this doesn't discontinue fairly soon [smoking bud], I can't be with you; I can't progress with this kind of lifestyle. I want to be mature and adult-like."

"suck down that bowl, that's all you know what to do these days."

"WOW. do you reeeeeally have to smoke a bowl before we leave the house? (YES, because I have to go to your fucking mom's house. lol)

yeah, it's piss poor.
oh i replied before reading this...drop em.


Active Member
That attitude is not high school mentality......grown adults are pricks trying to change a control freak........Jerks come in all ages
Your right, but it happens more in highschool. These days there are a lot of immature kids trying to run around changing people and making them feel bad if they don't.