Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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In the second picture the two nodes above the cotyledons have suffered the same fate. Where there used to be 4 fan leaves there are now none. As you can see there is still growth shooting up from the side from where the fan leaves used to be.

It's not about fan leaves, it's about nodes. I can't make it any more clearer than I did on page one. If you lost your leafsets at the node and you have output there, then those are your potential new "trunks" or main colas provided that you cut above the 2nd node.

Welcome to RIU,
lol! still cant find any term slower then laymens huh UB? just stoppin in to say your technique turned my 4 tops into 15! thanks! my one plant grew 6 tops! excellent!
Ended up with 6 main colas. fucking awesome ><. Not a scrog method either. Strain is Ice x Power Africa

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for posting your knowledge on 4-top. I have never been a fan of topping, but went with your suggestion. Though my bud colas werent as thick as I would've liked them to be, I pulled close to 2 zips off a 36" lady. Nice suggestion.
These were vegged for 3 week from seed then flowered
Sweet grapefruit and BB Blue cheese will post pic when finished
Nice 1 ub3.jpg
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for posting your knowledge on 4-top. I have never been a fan of topping, but went with your suggestion. Though my bud colas werent as thick as I would've liked them to be, I pulled close to 2 zips off a 36" lady. Nice suggestion.

Topping doesn't give cola's like untouched plants will, but I forget all about that when I look at the final dry weight :D
hey dude, see you are a big sativa guy, any tips on growing a pure sativa indoors? (some bagseed i got in vietnam, put down 20 seeds, 1 came up,lol)
Hey UB. My retinas are screaming. I just finished reading the entire thread, reading your post's/replies mostly and in only took 6 hours. I don't know why RIU will not allow you to edit the thread. I fully understood the topping process and the ho moans. I just topped four of my afghan's started from seed, however I am unsure of the sex as of yet. All four had 6 true nodes, chopped just above the 2nd true node. Now I have four great clippings which were placed in soil tipped with hormone rooting powder.
Hey UB. My retinas are screaming. I just finished reading the entire thread, reading your post's/replies mostly and in only took 6 hours. I don't know why RIU will not allow you to edit the thread. I fully understood the topping process and the ho moans. I just topped four of my afghan's started from seed, however I am unsure of the sex as of yet. All four had 6 true nodes, chopped just above the 2nd true node. Now I have four great clippings which were placed in soil tipped with hormone rooting powder.

That's what you get for looking directly into the sun LOL. Top and then sex, really doesn't matter.

Here's hoping your cuttings take......

Good luck with that.

This thread has been going on for months (if not a few years). Where's the finished product? I'd like to see the end result.

Just posted a grow journal, used ur method on 3 out of 4 plants, will surely come back with final results for ya :) Thanks again, UB!
So this might have been answered before, I haven't gone through all 322 pages but I have read many.

I topped most of my plants at above the second true node, I topped two above the third true node.

On the two I was going to clip the bottom two branches to clone. will this render the same effect as if I had topped them at the second true node?
If I get your question, then instead of 4 branches to become 4 Main Colas, you will have 2 branches for 2 Main Colas. I want to mention, as the 4 branches vegetate there will be other spots to get clones from. There is no need to take the whole lateral branches.
if there are four main colas does that mean its longer flowering time? same?

Sorry to disagree but flowering times can vary due to human intervention ie. lst-ing, incorrect temps, nutes etc.

... Um, that's not even what he was talking about, the correct answer would be no, it doesn't affect flowering time as long as it fully heals before flowing starts, flowering time IS determined by genetics, whether it takes longer from human intervention or not.

I hope you have learned that since your post on 01/17/2009 (on the first page, before I noticed this thread is 322 pgs) , lol.
Regarding the affect on growth, folks need to read the first page where I made a point about the growth/vigor issue. How anyone would think this style of topping has an affect on the flowering response beats the hell outta me! Since some folks don't have the capacity to read, I'll C/P what I said:

To get 4 main colas, let your seedling or cutting (clone) grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node. The node where the cotyledons attach doesn't count. The result will be a redistribution of the auxins and other hormones that normally collect in the tissue of the terminal leader's tip. These ho moans will be redistributed to dormant buds that reside in the nodal axis where the leaf petiole attaches to the "trunk", below the cut. The new foliar output response will be quick (within 24 hrs., see photo below) if you have a healthy growing seedling and will be your future main colas - 4 instead of the usual 1:
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