... And ... And ... And ... And ... And ...

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
ok, so this may be a bit difficult for those that don't understand dots, commas and other squiggly marks often referred to as punctuation, but ...

The challenge is to form a sentance with the word "and" five times in a row - and it needs to make sense.


Active Member
If there was and before another and followed by and behind and there would be and infront of everything.


Well-Known Member
fuck it.

I went to the store earlier AND bought a dutch,while in there I saw the grumpy old dreamer AND he was picking up milk with his son frank AND his friend joe lol,they were going home to eat some cereal AND smoke some weed,while talking to grump I mentioned I saw his wife earlier in the day so I told him bernadett AND the crackhead from around the way were trying to steal copper out of the abandoned house again.

Do I win?lol


Well-Known Member
If i were going to make 4 movies i would call them "Me and my Dog," "Me and my Cat," "Me and my Fish," and "Me and my Goat."


Well-Known Member
the story is

The landlord of a pub called The Pig And Whistle asked a signwriter to make a new sign. When he saw it he thought that the words were too close together so he said to the signwriter “I want more space between


Well-Known Member
or google heres another

A variation, if the sign reads "Roland and Andrew: "You haven't got the spaces right between "Rol" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "And" and "And" and "rew."


Well-Known Member
fuck it.

I went to the store earlier AND bought a dutch,while in there I saw the grumpy old dreamer AND he was picking up milk with his son frank AND his friend joe lol,they were going home to eat some cereal AND smoke some weed,while talking to grump I mentioned I saw his wife earlier in the day so I told him bernadett AND the crackhead from around the way were trying to steal copper out of the abandoned house again.

Do I win?lol
I need to know now lol....
is it right?Or is this some fucking trick question?