damn I had witdraws LOL

Im a little angel I have 0 infractions. Read my recipes and rep me some people!

Where do you go to find rep given/received and infractions and shit. I get fuckin lost everywhere except the threads. I accidentally erased some comments on my profile page. I found the rep before but I am lost again.
He was quit the personality I must say......I wanted to choke him and then next minute be laughing my ass off LOL stangely enough we never bumped heads........LOL mostly cause I stayed out of it LOL
this may not fit in but it is still a great song.

Where do you go to find rep given/received and infractions and shit. I get fuckin lost everywhere except the threads. I accidentally erased some comments on my profile page. I found the rep before but I am lost again.

Click on myrollitup in the upper right hand corner of the site. It will take you straight there... or if you're gay... gayly forward.
Have you heard
HAHAHAHAH My girlfriend just woke up........she said ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY......I said WHAT......she said its freezing.....well I flipped the thermostat as I went by and didnt look ...it was set on 65 LOL.......well I have a portable heater at my feet...IM baked and felt cool so I turned it on....nice and comfortable.....FUCKING WINDOWS are soaked with Water from extreme temp differance outside and inside house....IM so fucking baked I never paid attentioin ROLFMAO
Man sorry, I guess someone else already posted on the my rollitup tip.

Posts are coming too fast and I can't refresh fast enough.
Where do you go to find rep given/received and infractions and shit. I get fuckin lost everywhere except the threads. I accidentally erased some comments on my profile page. I found the rep before but I am lost again.
