damn I had witdraws LOL


Well-Known Member
yep its what I need..............and you diid make yourself the judge with your original statement....now be a good little boy and go to your room and play with glass we dont need you here....Ill call if i need help....bye bye little one


Well-Known Member
i really don't think whining about the site being down for a few hours is equal to a "show us your bong" thread. but who am i to judge?

carry on, if this is what you need.
Not to be a jerk dude. but nobody cares about your opinion just as long as we follow the rules. wish you the best of luck with your glass pipes.


Well-Known Member
GO troll elsewhere FDD you are just starting a fight to intertain your ego.............now be a good little mod and play in your glass blowing thread where everyone sucks your dick in hopes of gtting a free pipe......
That means 2 things.....tee hee :)


Well-Known Member
yep its what I need..............and you diid make yourself the judge with your original statement....now be a good little boy and go to your room and play with glass we dont need you here....Ill call if i need help....bye bye little one
that's two. :clap:


Well-Known Member
if you are allowed YOUR oppion why cant I have mine.................but keep the infractions comeing...........I have not violated a rule....................


Well-Known Member
I already sent you a PM so You know Im not happy and you came in here to push my button in my opinion..............

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Do you guys remember what you were lookin at when it crashed? Unfortunately I was lookin at asian dudes HD weed pics thread. My bad.


Well-Known Member
so no one here wants to admit that we have had a HUGE influx of meaningless threads lately? one after another after another.... can't we just keep it all in one thread? i was simply trying to point this out. it was never personally directed towards anyone, until it was directed towards me.

maybe take the time to at least post a cool link or something. all this blah, blah, blah is giving me a headache.

i have NO idea why everyone gets so bent out of shape when i give an opinion. why was this turned back onto me?


Well-Known Member
if you are allowed YOUR oppion why cant I have mine.................but keep the infractions comeing...........I have not violated a rule....................
you have made direct, personal attacks towards a fellow member.

you are big enough to admit it now aren't you? or were you really not standing up? i thought you were a tough biker dude. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my opiion of a MOD....a mod should be in charge and presetn himself in a professional manner...........ever since you got into that fight and told that guy to have his mom suck you dick I lost respect for you................you are a MOD we depend on you to be fair and not stir things up.................You are a MOD for a reason....RIU trust you and releys on your ability to smooth things out....and have a impartial attitude towards us....is this not true or did I say it wrong and Im not slamming you as you can see ...just befudled how you dish out good an bad.......


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my opiion of a MOD....a mod should be in charge and presetn himself in a professional manner...........ever since you got into that fight and told that guy to have his mom suck you dick I lost respect for you................you are a MOD we depend on you to be fair and not stir things up.................You are a MOD for a reason....RIU trust you and releys on your ability to smooth things out....and have a impartial attitude towards us....is this not true or did I say it wrong and Im not slamming you as you can see ...just befudled how you dish out good an bad.......
Exactly. fdd2blk is in no way professional. He is a power hungry tool. He takes his aggressions out on us. He is a loser, Always will be.


Well-Known Member
Oh snap, I received two infractions. Oh shit what shall I ever do!! Fucking ban me fdd2blk, you power hungry a*hole. Admit it. You got beat up when you were a kid, and now you are taking your aggressions out... You are the meaning of worthless.


Well-Known Member
Neither you, fdd, nor Stoned Pony made a DIRECT attack.

You stated in THIS thread how all these worthless threads keep popping up.

Stoned Pony mentioned something about a glass blowing thread.

Jab for jab. You implied, then he implied. That is all. Then it got stupid.

I don't see how you can be a mod, but start stuff , then use your power to punish someone. Especially for a thread, that EVERY SINGLE RIU member would have started, because we were jonesing to get back here.

If SP had made a thread.....

"WTF man....this is bullshit, fuckin RIU and their 20 minute bullshit!!!..Fuck them!!!'

then yeah, but it wasn't. I totally agree that there are alot of useless threads, but you have been contributing to them as much as everyone else lately, and with a noticeable edge lately. I think some people are getting the impression of the abuse of power....just sayin.