Thanks CD, I was just checking out your girl..... man is that thing exploding already!!! I've had a few really odd warm days here.... and my plants can tell they all perked up a lot today. It's a really weird weather day..... i have a couple foot of snow on the ground and it's 62 degrees outside! shit is melting like crazy!!!
I feel ya hammer..... i wish we still had the box back that showed the last 5 un-subscribed posts . plus i wish I could bookmark a post without subscribing to it..... there are so many threads i want to save for info, but i don't want an update every time someone argues! anyway if you can't find the thread it's no biggie... my re-veg is going good i think.... i got lots og new growth but is shitty growth..... i'll post a pic in a few.... see what guys think!
Hey stoney and everyone else

if you want to "bookmark" a post so to speak, just click Journal this post and it will save that post in your journal. Once its in the your journal the name of the post can be changed to something more informative or left alone. Hope this helps ya out buds