Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

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Dear God. All these "experts." Speaking as a therapist I can say that it's common for someone contemplating suicide to try and reach out to strangers. It's even more common on the internet because of the anonymity involved. It's easier to open up if people have no clue who you are. Sharing without consequence. There is no fear of retaliation or rejection. There might be some backlash but not towards you personally. It's towards your online persona. It's a kind of buffer. This is not "attention seeking." It's a cry for help.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do. I'm just saying it's quite common. Comparing hard knocks and saying how much worse your life is doesn't help anything. You should never compare. What's going on in her life is just as difficult as what you are going through. We all have our burdens and hardships. They are all just as equally painful. It's not about severity but how it impacts your life and your level of mental health. People with healthy coping tools are far more equipped to handle the shit thrown at them. Coping tools learned from GOOD therapy.

I'm sorry some of you have had bad experiences with therapists. I have learned over the years that personalities can clash and sometimes it takes a little shopping around to find a good therapist. A good therapist will teach you how to deal with your issues and will work on the healing process. This may require some pushing and you may hate the therapist at times. That's normal. That's good therapy.

I just want to say to the O.P. It gets better. I promise. What you're going through now is only temporary. If you can, find a good therapist. There are some wonderful clinics with amazing therapists that charge on a sliding scale or don't charge at all. Please look into it. The suicide hotline is the best source for information in your area. Suicide Hotline Chat or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

We care about you. If you ever need to talk. We're here. Ignore the assholes. That's just their emotional pain striking out. They need coping tools more than you do. ;)
Hey geewhiz
A few years ago I found my step son hanging in our basement. Suicide really sucks. It doesn't just effect you. His mom will never be the same, his baby brother will never get to play catch. Friends family and even the community all suffer deeply, even though you won't think so it does and a little bet of everyone dies too. I don't have any great advice for you other than to tell you that you have options and what ever dark place you are in will pass.
Live well, You have all the power.

Sorry for your lost bro. Lost someone too. It is a very serious matter. I know she has said it's all good now...but depression comes & goes. But when it gets bad talking about is good...I just hope she listen's too the positive, cause she is young with a ton of possibilities at her fingertips! So Hang there sweetie, Im a mother of three & Iam glad they come to me with problems... And believe me its weekly. But we grow from it...I tell them "what doesn't kill me, Makes me stronger! U should see how buffed I am! LOL If u need talk do it!
Carne Bem Pasada is totally right. It should be taken seriously by those who understand and care, and should be ignored by those who don't.

Peco desculpa por fazer uma piada sobre o seu nome.
Dont do it. How could u with stoned pony as a pal? Stoned pony... Where have u been all my life? Ur a fkin riot.. It takes a special person to make me laugh myself to tears on a public bus while reading a suicide thread none the less. Cheers.
Im sure its passed by now but i have lost 3 friends to suicide and two to murder... I cant tell u it wont do a thing for you.. Only make it worse for anyone whos ever known u believe me. U wanna feel better about life devote it to being a good friend. Not a therapist but if u didnt even stop to consider those who care for u perhaps that is the weak link. Volunteer doing something you love and submerge urself in it for a bit. What comes around goes around. Eat good. Live great and only smoke the finest buds life tosses ur way. Peace and :joint:
Ya I need coping tools. For sure. Ha. I have had a hard life as have a lot of people. See4 gets what I am saying. If her life is so hard and worth ending...why are you talking about it? Do it already or SEE A PROFESSIONAL. Anyone who thinks you can help a stranger with no background information or any about the offending problem is naive. I'm not being rude. I'm being real.

If its so bad and you've done nothing to try and correct it then I have no sympathy for you continuing to live unhappily. Do not tell me she can't because of her environment. If we wanna compare problems and measure dicks that's your prerogative. I have seen and experienced some very life changing things and I'm 22. You have no excuses. You have a house to live in and clothes to wear. Your doing better then me at 20. Quit taking life for granted please.
Carne Bem Pasada is totally right. It should be taken seriously by those who understand and care, and should be ignored by those who don't.

Peco desculpa por fazer uma piada sobre o seu nome.

I'm not good with Portuguese. Meat well done?
wow, so many judgmental people on this thread...i always thought my fellow stoners would be more supportive, understanding, and caring but i'm very wrong.

i really can't say i'm very surprised because i'm not...people are just this way...most of them.

thanks to everyone that gives a fuck...because you guys are hard to find..a gem.
you don't know how much i appreciate the fact that people understand.

i always lived by this quote:

"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean."

i love it when people kick you when you've already fallen down.

thanks to my buds though.
you're all the best.
Ya I need coping tools. For sure. Ha. I have had a hard life as have a lot of people. See4 gets what I am saying. If her life is so hard and worth ending...why are you talking about it? Do it already or SEE A PROFESSIONAL. Anyone who thinks you can help a stranger with no background information or any about the offending problem is naive. I'm not being rude. I'm being real.

No you're being ignorant. You speak from ignorance and you project ignorance. You have no clue what you're talking about. If this topic is so abhorrent to you then do us all a favor and quite commenting. Seriously. You made your point in the last several posts. We get it. Now move on. It's not about you.

If its so bad and you've done nothing to try and correct it then I have no sympathy for you continuing to live unhappily. Do not tell me she can't because of her environment. If we wanna compare problems and measure dicks that's your prerogative. I have seen and experienced some very life changing things and I'm 22. You have no excuses. You have a house to live in and clothes to wear. Your doing better then me at 20. Quit taking life for granted please.

Let's go back at bit:

"Anyone who thinks you can help a stranger with no background information or any about the offending problem is naive.
Pot meet kettle.

Once again it's not about you. Now you're not only showing your ignorance but in your effort to troll, you also have exposed yourself as a hypocrite.

You don't like the topic. You hate the thread. Why post in it? You made your point. Move on.
Ya I need coping tools. For sure. Ha. I have had a hard life as have a lot of people. See4 gets what I am saying. If her life is so hard and worth ending...why are you talking about it? Do it already or SEE A PROFESSIONAL. Anyone who thinks you can help a stranger with no background information or any about the offending problem is naive. I'm not being rude. I'm being real.

If its so bad and you've done nothing to try and correct it then I have no sympathy for you continuing to live unhappily. Do not tell me she can't because of her environment. If we wanna compare problems and measure dicks that's your prerogative. I have seen and experienced some very life changing things and I'm 22. You have no excuses. You have a house to live in and clothes to wear. Your doing better then me at 20. Quit taking life for granted please.

Exactly. Kodank is not trying to be a dick, not at all. Just trying to explain there are people far worse off, and geewiz needs to reflect on that before creating a thread, titled, "I think im gunna kill myself" -- To me, that screams, "I need attention right now, because I had a shitty day" or "Hi Im Emo, and everyday is rough for me, even though I have everything I need"

Im just sayin...

Please read all of her comments, and you will see how I came to this conclusion. Im not trying to be hard on her. For all I know she might be seriously considering it, but Im just not sure this forum is the right avenue for her to take. The name of the domain is, a website dedicated to helping people grow pot, and smoke fat doobies...

Im just sayin
Ya I need coping tools. For sure. Ha. I have had a hard life as have a lot of people. See4 gets what I am saying. If her life is so hard and worth ending...why are you talking about it? Do it already or SEE A PROFESSIONAL. Anyone who thinks you can help a stranger with no background information or any about the offending problem is naive. I'm not being rude. I'm being real.

If its so bad and you've done nothing to try and correct it then I have no sympathy for you continuing to live unhappily. Do not tell me she can't because of her environment. If we wanna compare problems and measure dicks that's your prerogative. I have seen and experienced some very life changing things and I'm 22. You have no excuses. You have a house to live in and clothes to wear. Your doing better then me at 20. Quit taking life for granted please.

i've had people come to me that i have never met and thank me for things i've helped them with. i don't think i'm naive, i think you need to look a little deeper is all. people help strangers all day long. most therapists need more help then you do. ;)
Exactly. Kodank is not trying to be a dick, not at all. Just trying to explain there are people far worse off, and geewiz needs to reflect on that before creating a thread, titled, "I think im gunna kill myself" -- To me, that screams, "I need attention right now, because I had a shitty day" or "Hi Im Emo, and everyday is rough for me, even though I have everything I need"

Im just sayin...

so what's wrong with wanting attention? are you jealous? ;)
so what's wrong with wanting attention? are you jealous? ;)

Yes. I do need attention. I am an attention whore. Not going to lie. I am also a know-it-all.

The first step to solving your problem is admitting to them.

So yea, Im bummed out too, Im only getting a 5% bonus this year, ontop of my already rather large 6 figure salary. Was hoping for 10%, but oh well. Im bummed out because I was hoping for a 4th player to join us down in my FL house for some golf in the beginning of march, but he backed out.. bummer. Oh poor me.

Or would you like to hear, that my folks split up when i was 3, lived with my dad who became abusive, then lived with my mom, who subsequently died from cancer, and I have not seen my father in 18 years. I lost several friends in the 9/11 attacks, I could have been one of them.. I worked in mid-town at the time. I could go on with all the negative shit that has happened in my life. But I dont. You know why? Because life goes the fuck on. We only live once, you might as well make the best of it.
Gangbang! <3

Dogpile on the wabbit, dogpile on the wabbit!!! (elmer fudd voice)

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