The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
yum. I agree-- scissor hash is the extra little treat you get for all your hard work, and has the best flavor out of any of them, imo. we trimmed a few pounds of the widow over the holidays, and got a rock the size of a golf ball. happy holidays to us, lol we were blitzed for days

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yum. I agree-- scissor hash is the extra little treat you get for all your hard work, and has the best flavor out of any of them, imo. we trimmed a few pounds of the widow over the holidays, and got a rock the size of a golf ball. happy holidays to us, lol we were blitzed for days
A rock size lump of scissor hash ahahaha...I love it! Nice brobo, nice!


Well-Known Member
Man, we earned it lol. Me, my wife, and my two brothers in law, trimming our asses off for what seemed like days (I think we had between 80-100 6' plants!). My wife didn't even save hers, either. When she trims, she's in it to win it, with no desire for finger hash. She doesn't even smoke, and she's the best trimmer out of us all lol. Hell, she's been doing it since she was 6 years old! That's what growing up in the boonies in Hawaii does for ya, I guess. later bro!

A rock size lump of scissor hash ahahaha...I love it! Nice brobo, nice!


Well-Known Member
thats a kool tale bobo im gonna get a spinpro you ever see them?
I've seen them, but never tried them. I was actually going to try and get one before we started trimming the monster batch, but my wife said that a lot of times they don't work as well as you'd hope, and that they never do as good a job as a pair of hands (mind you, my wife is a trimming snob-- has to have the right scissors, everything laid out perfectly at her little station-- total ocd jus' like me!). That said, I still have not tried one, but the youtube vids look pretty interesting. If it works half as well as you'd hope it does, it'd be a lifesaver... or at least a back saver lol! When you get one, please report back... would love to know your thoughts.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmmm intereshting mishter bond in an ideal world id like the hydro shop in my city to have one that you can rent... theres more chance of them coming over to help me trim lmao

thanks COF man


Well-Known Member
Aye, they have these at my local, and I think you can also rent the canna cutter as well....fek that, why spend 3 months making lovely plants just for them to be chewed up in a cof said, I think they would create more trim than bud...seriously why do we get so anal about the scissors we use, lol. Jaws of death, stay away from my buds, haha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im due a couple of new pairs my poor parnter in crime is a southpaw and i have no lefty scissors for him at all. i said last tiome ill get some for enxt time he said naa dont bother no one has them ive just got used to right handers now. lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
jnus realised my casey jones in y living oom tents 9 weeks flores today lol, i aint flushed her atall lol better give her plenty of h2o next feed lol same as the deep psychosis i have aswell. They have had plenty of food lol, still look like a mites playground lol well not quite but almost lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
she must be lookin pretty done at 9 weeks eh lad one of mine looked done at 8 the other is just finishing up. whats this now youve got mites back!?!?!

mr west

Well-Known Member
they never went away i dont think just i didnt see em till they built the taj mahal over a bud i realised i had given them all th epermits and everythin lol. Plant vitality, u jus have to not leave anywhere un spayed lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Little fookers huh? I had them all taken care of this winter but one of the little bastards were hiding out in the chamber on some cuttings. They spread quick if ya don't catch em, think they are under control again here

mr west

Well-Known Member
pest control, thats wot its called keep em under control as best u can tho i wanna make the fuckers extinct, might have to get some hot shot strips lol