Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Yeah she doesn't quite get it. Whatever lol. I have her convinced that pot is on the same level as coffee or tabacco ie. a plant grown in the dirt that you ingest. Tried explaining about the cannabanoid receptors that every person has on their nuerotransmitters and that the only use that they have is for weed. She is actually very cool about the op and most of the time about me smoking.

Whew pretty stoned, started losing my train of thought up there lol. Got to run down and pay my cell bill to get my phone turned back on, haven't had 2 nickels to rub together for a few weeks now, then back to work on the girls. Started taking my headstash HM xBB down this morning, they came out pretty nice! Also a dozen of my BB single cola girls come down this afternoon and tomorrow there are 6 Purple little bushes that start coming down.

Catch ya later man
pics pics pics - where's the pics??? especially of the purple!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
pics pics pics - where's the pics??? especially of the purple!!
I'll get some up kikki,,,might not be until later, after my girl goes home. All the new yins are doing really really! The Black Rose is about 5" tall, just a bit taller than the other plants from seed that she is in with at the same age. Five inches and 5 nodes ;)


Well-Known Member
I'll get some up kikki,,,might not be until later, after my girl goes home. All the new yins are doing really really! The Black Rose is about 5" tall, just a bit taller than the other plants from seed that she is in with at the same age. Five inches and 5 nodes ;)
Nice - post them when you can - I'm just excited about the black rose!! You know. 8-)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
She's cute, but not alot to look at,,,only 3 wks old but doing fantastic for that age. Tell ya what, I have the rest of the evening to myself...after I post up these pic, and before I go back to trimming, I'll take a shot of her just for you kikki. Don't mind in the least bit baby. I'll talk to you : !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Some rushed random pics of shitty quality lol of the budroom at lights out....


Void aka Purple 10 on the right side up on the bench. Calizhar to the left.

9 Calizhar, 2 C-4, 1 Qleaner mum at five weeks flower. Second run of the Chimera gear

Just flipped last week are 12 zhar and c-4. Third run, second generation still, starting to be more keeper phenos

6 Purple 10 start coming down in a min

Third generation started hitting the dirt today. All keepers...and a shitload of them hehe!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hey there HC mate, fine showings lol, love the buds with the black rose jus to make it more intresting lol>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: just livers this morning but its rocking


Well-Known Member
Hey there HC mate, fine showings lol, love the buds with the black rose jus to make it more intresting lol>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: just livers this morning but its rocking
I had a fast dry livers last night.... Just like the cheese in that respect fast dried and still a joy too smoke.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hahahah dude i didnt know you were into flower arranging!?!?! looks gorgeous mate. cant wait to see what you make of the black rose!!
Haha yeah that was on a whim...I had just finished trimming those BB and it was late and I wanted to get a shot of the Black Rose for Kikki

Looking wickedly good those last few pics, HC. Dark and mysterious looking.
Thanks D, those void buds are so cool looking. Like a giant calyx with a coating of fur lol

Hey there HC mate, fine showings lol, love the buds with the black rose jus to make it more intresting lol>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: just livers this morning but its rocking
Hey Westy! Yes I'll bet it was rocking!! And he says....just livers haha. Should call ourselves the high tolerance gang lol

I had a fast dry livers last night.... Just like the cheese in that respect fast dried and still a joy too smoke.
How's it going willy mate!?

Just had a quick scare a couple of minutes ago. I'm sitting on my porch and I see this car driving slowly up towards my driveway and then the fooker turns in lol. I'm like yikes holy shit I got stuff everywhere. Plants on the porch, plants in the kitchen, gardening shit everywhere! So boom I'm up and doing the 10 second crazy fast pick-up but I gots like 2 min worth of shit to put away haha. Halfway through I look out and whoever it was were driving away. Took a couple of seconds for the heart to stop



Well-Known Member
Mornin' bro! Sounds like you don't need to do your workout today-- hearts already pumpin'! lol glad you're safe! :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there, morning buddy! haha yup that woulda been a buzzkill for sure lol.

How ya doing Kikki : !) No that is an air purifier, it's a recent addition along with a filter on my intake to reduce the amount of crap that floats around in the air lol

Time to get back to my garden, getting pretty stoned to continue typing,,,need to upgrade to a voice activated model. See ya my sweetness ; !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
damn man i bet your hearts still pumpin!! big bong time

Pots of dirt everywhere, no time to get rid of them all...put them all in the corner and through a blanket over them. Oh great some spilled,,,friggen nice. I'll leave the plants in the dining room for last in case I don't have time move them, looks like a jungle in there anyways maybe they won't notice the mj mixed in........

Get inside highlanders mind for a second hehe??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah that blind panic action stations aaaagggghhhhh moment just chuck a sheet over it it will all be good lmao

you stood lookin all puzzled saying: what pot?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hahahah that blind panic action stations aaaagggghhhhh moment just chuck a sheet over it it will all be good lmao

you stood lookin all puzzled saying: what pot?
Funny bru lol, thanks for the chuckle. Even funnier was me giving my dog shit for not seeing that car, as I'm running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off! Normally he sees everything so I was prolly a little hard on him lol he was on the couch next to me sleeping.

420 time...gots a bowl of some very light colored kief, time to toke! First kief or hash in several weeks. See ya on the other side : !)

Teyo Green

Active Member
Funny bru lol, thanks for the chuckle. Even funnier was me giving my dog shit for not seeing that car, as I'm running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off! Normally he sees everything so I was prolly a little hard on him lol he was on the couch next to me sleeping.

420 time...gots a bowl of some very light colored kief, time to toke! First kief or hash in several weeks. See ya on the other side : !)
the kiefs sounding tasty. take a rip for me bro..

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
the kiefs sounding tasty. take a rip for me bro..
K,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cough cough>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>has a fuel like taste. Wow

Transplanting tonight along with trimming...makings of another late night. Just got one of the worst chores out of the way, dumping the soil and sterilizing the containers