Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

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PFFfffffffffffffffffftt! EVOLutionoituLOVE! Don't even think about it!! No checking out early. Beauty stands strong not backing down and out like a doucher..

Love. Love. And Some More Fucking Love!

Watch these vids. of awesome people sharing love/humour in this world going through more 'n more doubt and shit everyday..
if that aint inspirin'... whoa geeze idk what is.

oh, and welcome to goosepimple valley!

.. remember you can't feel goosebumbs and the other positively awe inspiring beauty in the world if you're dead. onelove/one life..

but seriously thoughh...i feel silly but when someone constantly is in your face telling you what's wrong with you fucks with the mind...

I'll be nice tonight so dont kill yourself,just kill the person thats in your face constantly.
No doubt. Pay someone copious amounts of money for them to ask, "and how does that make you feel?" to EVERY single thing you say or don't say.

I got booted out of court ordered sessions because I mindfucked the therapist so bad, she just stamped my court orders as completed.

"and how does a failure on your record make you feel bitch?'

lol your therapist must of sucked.
I had to get one for an old court case and I tried every trick in the book and when the time came for her give the court her recommendation of whether or not to send me up state this bitch described me like I gave her a fucking biography of my life lol.
Still ended up being good though lol.
next time some one get in your face do this to theirs


One more vote to stay alive.

Living kinda rules when things go your way. Doesn't happen all the time, though. That's what you live for :)
PFFfffffffffffffffffftt! EVOLutionoituLOVE! Don't even think about it!! No checking out early. Beauty stands strong not backing down and out like a doucher..

Love. Love. And Some More Fucking Love!

Watch these vids. of awesome people sharing love/humour in this world going through more 'n more doubt and shit everyday..
if that aint inspirin'... whoa geeze idk what is.

oh, and welcome to goosepimple valley!

.. remember you can't feel goosebumbs and the other positively awe inspiring beauty in the world if you're dead. onelove/one life..

Maybe it's because I'm kind of a hippie, but that's really cool!
lol your therapist must of sucked.
I had to get one for an old court case and I tried every trick in the book and when the time came for her give the court her recommendation of whether or not to send me up state this bitch described me like I gave her a fucking biography of my life lol.
Still ended up being good though lol.

She couldn't stand the heat I threw at her. I am pretty vocal in person and intimidate alot of people. (no that is not a "look how tough I am" internet statemen) Has been that way for a long time, even as a teen.

Even when I am not pissed off, people think I am.

But the stupid cunt kept telling me I have to change my life....when I have numerous people trying to kill me 24/7. That I need to change my attitude. Kinda hard to go soft and roll over when your life and the lives of your family are threatened daily....simply because of who you know.
I retaliated, then get ordered to therapy sessions, that I had to pay I fucked with her. If it's on my dime, the session is going MY WAY, in the direction I want it to.

I fucking hate therapists.
hahahaha im just joking if you would stop responding in that hilarious way i would stop messing with you
Now here is a real loser. Took him off ignore list. Then the douche bag follows me from another thread.

I needed to go, because I was harassed by over 20 different people, threatening my life....and I retaliated, put a bunch in the hospital, and scared the fuck out of the rest of them by doing some things that I found necessary. Had I not done these things, these fuck wads (probably friends of yours) would still be harassing me.

Cops wouldn't do anything even with them threatening my girlfriend who had nothing to do with anything, so I handled it myself. Then they ratted on me for beating the shit out of them and scaring the fuck out of them and their families.

Do I regret it? Not one bit. Best thing I ever did. No one EVER fucked with me in my hometown from that moment on. Not even the boys.....

So here's a thumbs up for a loser that knows fuck all.


That's a thumb.......right?
She couldn't stand the heat I threw at her. I am pretty vocal in person and intimidate alot of people. (no that is not a "look how tough I am" internet statemen) Has been that way for a long time, even as a teen.

Even when I am not pissed off, people think I am.

But the stupid cunt kept telling me I have to change my life....when I have numerous people trying to kill me 24/7. That I need to change my attitude. Kinda hard to go soft and roll over when your life and the lives of your family are threatened daily....simply because of who you know.
I retaliated, then get ordered to therapy sessions, that I had to pay I fucked with her. If it's on my dime, the session is going MY WAY, in the direction I want it to.

I fucking hate therapists.
lol I got a friend just like you,always seems angry hahaha
sounds like we were there for kind of a different thing.I got it for an attempt criminal homocide case and I only seen her because my cousin hired her to prove to the court I wasn't some homocidal maniac lol and it worked!Bitch costed 5 grand though lol.I constantly yesed her and kept countering her with questions of my own.I was not trying to be there but it worked out for the best.She saw right through all of the stuff I was doing to her.
lol yea if the court ordered one im giving that person hell.
lol I got a friend just like you,always seems angry hahaha
sounds like we were there for kind of a different thing.I got it for an attempt criminal homocide case and I only seen her because my cousin hired her to prove to the court I wasn't some homocidal maniac lol and it worked!Bitch costed 5 grand though lol.I constantly yesed her and kept countering her with questions of my own.I was not trying to be there but it worked out for the best.She saw right through all of the stuff I was doing to her.
lol yea if the court ordered one im giving that person hell.

I fucked with my therapist, but I think the look in my eye when I talked about events involving revenge and retribution scared her and she just wanted me the fuck out her curriculum. Probably thought I would come in blasting one day.

Thing is, I can be a great friend, but a MUCH more extreme enemy. That is why I quit the yayo game.....well, other than the police raid....but I don't like being like that. Just had to be on point all the time, and I get sketchy like that.

Fight or flight????......fight every time for me.
I fucked with my therapist, but I think the look in my eye when I talked about events involving revenge and retribution scared her and she just wanted me the fuck out her curriculum. Probably thought I would come in blasting one day.

Thing is, I can be a great friend, but a MUCH more extreme enemy. That is why I quit the yayo game.....well, other than the police raid....but I don't like being like that. Just had to be on point all the time, and I get sketchy like that.

Fight or flight????......fight every time for me.

haaha kinda what I say.....and I stare em in the face and say I can be your friend or your worst nighmare......your joice dickhead LOL.......Hell Devil you seen my pic and what I look like in video do I look like i back up for anyone......its the life style you and I chose and we live with it.....regular ppl cant comprhend that there are ppl like us..........cant coprehend the anger and how it works for us.
thanks dudes.
last night wasn't the best night ever, hardly got any sleep AND i was so pissed off, weed couldn't even help.
i didn't even want to rip my bong (fucking horrible).
srsly though, idk what id do without my riu buddies.
thanks again.
life's bull shit but it'll be alright.
haaha kinda what I say.....and I stare em in the face and say I can be your friend or your worst nighmare......your joice dickhead LOL.......Hell Devil you seen my pic and what I look like in video do I look like i back up for anyone......its the life style you and I chose and we live with it.....regular ppl cant comprhend that there are ppl like us..........cant coprehend the anger and how it works for us.

Yeah, anger can be a downfall sometimes, but it has literally saved my life on more than on occasion.

And glad to hear Geewhizimtheshiz is feeling better.
whenever i feel down i go to the wallmart...

yeah...i end up being in the show sure, but i always feel so much better when i leave...
thanks dudes.
last night wasn't the best night ever, hardly got any sleep AND i was so pissed off, weed couldn't even help.
i didn't even want to rip my bong (fucking horrible).
srsly though, idk what id do without my riu buddies.
thanks again.
life's bull shit but it'll be alright.
Yelp your my babydoll hell I would be lost if you fucking checked out on me.......................glad your feeling can always pm me anytime I have huge shoulders.
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