Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


New Member
Prolly cuz it's a retarded way too go about a dirt grow indoors.
Thank you for your wise words...sorry I am not an intelligent master grower as you are....sorry if I offended you by being so retarded...I can see by your grow that...oh wait a minute you don't have one to see...ok now I do not know....anything


first timer 2626

Well-Known Member
run 4 gallons[ph'ed water through each....then 1 gallon ph'ed nutes to each...every time they get light and need water .... do the same thing...and they will explode with growth...

I got 5 gallon buckets for pots, How much should I run in them 10 gallons each? Thats a lot of water!!


Well-Known Member
Sure,you get how plants uptake water and nutes?
Not sure what's considered trolling here but last I heard straight talk aint it.


Well-Known Member
i have my grow cab right next to a bathtub for the occasion...

just plunk em in the tub and literally rain on them....they go ape shit after they wake up too...
it's kinda cute how they slump over...i thought i killed them the first time out lol

first timer 2626

Well-Known Member
i have my grow cab right next to a bathtub for the occasion...

just plunk em in the tub and literally rain on them....they go ape shit after they wake up too...
it's kinda cute how they slump over...i thought i killed them the first time out lol
You do this even in flowering??


New Member
Sure,you get how plants uptake water and nutes?
Not sure what's considered trolling here but last I heard straight talk aint it.
I am still awaiting your explanation as to how this is detrimental to the plants....

yes i do know the mechanisms and osmotic pressures and influences and it is this info that led me to try this and it exceeded my expectations



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to know if we're on the same page.
The technique yer using is referred to water pumping,nothing new about it.
Aside from the workload and waste it stresses the plants,you would get the same results by not using the volume of water and just using the proper nute ratios.


Well-Known Member

rain works from the top to the's kinda pointless to "rain" on them without that bit imo
i even go the extra mile and turn off half my lights for about 20 minutes before a decent storm so the plant knows what's about to happen.
there ain't no lights in the tub yeah.

why? you think i'm knocking off treasures or something?


Well-Known Member
Well I honestly don't know what to say at this point.
Have fun with alla that^^^^^ and good luck.
I am sorry I interrupted yer conversation.


Well-Known Member

what did i do?
i don't understand?
is this like eating salad with the meat course fork or something?

wait! come back!