How To Spot A Liberal....


Well-Known Member
a monetary collapse and food riots. let me know when that happens.

care to fill me in on the last few installments of alex jones and glenn beck?:lol:
Like most Americans you are too biased and stubborn to check facts, there are other sources of information AKA the Internet which you are now using to defend the lies you tell yourself rather than conduct a little research and prepare yourself. I'm getting ready to be self sustainable in he hope that I can prepare for the horrific march of a government on it's own people. This story has been spelled out time and time again throughout human history; why then is it so hard to believe it could also happen to our pathetic country?


Well-Known Member
I didn't say they'll kill you over a traffic ticket...
really now? who said this?

The cops will kill you if you continually say no. It could start with a traffic ticket.

...the price of noncompliance if it's carried all the way out is death.
no it is not, you blithering fucktard.

LEOs are not justified in killing you if you don't comply.

LEOs can only kill you if you threaten their lives first.

if you think this back and forth of ours is about "winning" rather establishing what is actually "fact" and what is "false", then you are more pathetic than i have previously given you credit for.

for fuck sake, get out of your deluded little cult already, it is rotting your mind.


Well-Known Member
Like most Americans you are too biased and stubborn to check facts, there are other sources of information AKA the Internet which you are now using to defend the lies you tell yourself rather than conduct a little research and prepare yourself. I'm getting ready to be self sustainable in he hope that I can prepare for the horrific march of a government on it's own people. This story has been spelled out time and time again throughout human history; why then is it so hard to believe it could also happen to our pathetic country?
you think our country is pathetic?

so sad. our country is great. spending time in just about any other country would convince you of this.

why don't you spell out to me, using your facts and evidence and information, when why how (etc) the government will start its 'horrific march' upon us?

why don't you spell out to me, using your facts and evidence and information, when why how (etc) we will witness complete monetary collapse and food riots?

you are an alarmist, and likely fill your head with too much beckjonesian bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Yes buck sorry to say but our country is pathetic. I just look at plain facts Americans are arrogant, lazy, ignorant, greedy, and just plain corrupt. We have lost moral conscience in this country it can be plainly seen by you saying 'america is great' while we have hundreds of military bases worldwide and have established global hegemony through murder, espionage, and 'economic terrorism'.
"Being well adjusted to such A profoundly sick society is no measure of health"
China is the new global leader, our infrastructure is crumbling. I should not have to spell anything out for you look around! How many people are unemployed in your town? Have you even read the news lately? Just read Drudge report right now, food and oil prices are top stories. I don't know when the collapse is coming but I will be prepared when it does will you?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
really now? who said this?

The cops will kill you if you continually say no. It could start with a traffic ticket.

no it is not, you blithering fucktard.

LEOs are not justified in killing you if you don't comply.

LEOs can only kill you if you threaten their lives first.

if you think this back and forth of ours is about "winning" rather establishing what is actually "fact" and what is "false", then you are more pathetic than i have previously given you credit for.

for fuck sake, get out of your deluded little cult already, it is rotting your mind.
The cops will kill you if you CONTINUALLY SAY NO. It could START over a traffic ticket. Self explanatory. I thought I already caught you in your attempt to shift the argument? Geez, use a little more stealth would ya?

When did I ever say Leo's are JUSTIFIED in killing you if you don't comply ? Nice try to strawman me AGAIN. I'm the one that rattles on ad nauseum about morality remember? Not you.

You get to insert a word to move the meaning of your argument, re-state the obvious, claim it as your words of wisdom and run to your "cult" fetish ? Fine. If you are trying to lecture me on justified force , that's really funny.

The back and forth with you has now entered the absurd. Your ability to argument shift is legendary.

Essentially our back and forth can be boiled down to this. I believe in the non-aggression principle. You do not. You use rationalizations to justify the initiation of force and award government privileges to re-define words and institute policies that use coercion.

Your love of, argument shifting mid debate, rationalizing and adulation for the government business model tactic of rationalization is reflected in your OWN debate technique. Go back to the paragraph above and our differences are clearly defined there, the rest of your communication is bantering and your attempt to run to safer positions. Try answering the questions below and stay focused on you can't.

Please explain to me when YOU BELIEVE the use of force IS justified ?
Please explain why you believe that government should be able to INITIATE force and it is morally justified ?

Blithering fucktard ? Yes, you got me. I am the supreme leader of the "blithering fucktard" cult, it's the Bigfoot suit that gave it away isn't it? Damn !