Pics of your Pets thread :)

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i see alot of guys posting pics in random threads why not post the here
here my cat shes cool but ruthless if not feed right away she goes and kills somthing or trys to trip u up xD

her name is Camo


Active Member
CIMG4999.jpgCIMG5089.jpgCIMG5232.jpgCIMG5524.jpg Baby till now we had here since she was about a day old mom and siblings were dead hit by car and eatin my birds and coyotes....we were just lucky enough to get her right in the brink of death you can see her messed up eye...some kind of predator musta had ahold of her at some point in her barely day old she got lucky now she is spoiled as ever and gets all the attention and food she wants she also has a pond and inground pool in the backyard to play in she goes outside but is afraid of everything and has never went outside of the yard she has free roam of everywhere in the house/garage/outside but chooses the garage for the most part....she is a total sweetheart and coons are the smartest animal out there I would compare there intelligence to that of a primate


Active Member
thanks I wouldnt recomend getting one because of all the precautions and coon-proofing we had to do in the house but she really isnt that bad but they really do belong in the wild I was dumb for taking care of her myself cuz now I cant put her back in the wild where she belongs....I should have taken her to a rehabilitator but I was in the moment thinkin I could rehab this thing and little did I know what I was gettin into...coons can live upwards of 18-20yrs in captivity cut that in almost 3/4 in the wild they live to about 3-7. I wish I could have gotten her into the wild but my gf babied her like it was her baby. but she is ours and I cant do anything but spoil her!! we love her couldnt imagine our lives without her.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
heres my japanese akita - bumper

pics from when he was around 5-7 weeks old hes now 4 and a half monthes

oh and n'awsome coon!


Pic 1 is of Loki with a broken leg, Pic 3 is a few days later after he had it amputated. Pic 2 is my crazy cat tricky, his brother trick lost it and decided he would rather be a farrell than live with us.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
primo black/brown cat
hehe he first pic looks stoned xD

yeah cats are a nightmare to look after with a broken leg
my mate had a cat with 3 legs she was still a happy cat