Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

Gold medal bong hits

Active Member
I have always wanted to try Lsd. Messed around with dmt and shooms but havent got my hands on acid =(. So hearing that 2c-e is somewhat like acid that just sold it for me.
Plus one of the vendors have it on sell for 65 a gram =).

Also do vendors even carry 2c-b? It seems like it would be a fun thing to mess around with.


Well-Known Member
what would any of you fellow brother recommend?

2cb or 2ce?

from what I have heard, it sounds like 2cb is more appealing to me.from the colors and what not.

but from those that have experienced both....please try and give us a good understanding of both substances effects.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
what would any of you fellow brother recommend?

2cb or 2ce?

from what I have heard, it sounds like 2cb is more appealing to me.from the colors and what not.

but from those that have experienced both....please try and give us a good understanding of both substances effects.
Why do you want to do these chemicals?


Well-Known Member
gotta try everything once... or twice.

I've heard that combination's are were the 2-c series really starts to shine...