Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Active Member
Oh you. :) Ignorance is your bliss.

Well. It says there is no Metadata. But I'm not experienced in this discipline so I'll have a friend do it. :) I wont let you down see4. :D
This Metadata you speak of only applies to photo's taken with a camera which is gps capable, that is, it can tell you longditude and lattitude of where the photo was taken from. Other date held in the meta tags can be used to trace, but often with no success.

EVERYBODY, most of what this stuff that cryptkeeper is on about is BS, gps coordinates can only be taken from metadata on photo's taken with gps camera's. Note i said MOST, coz if you do have a gps camera, and post online the gps coordinates are stored in your metatags. Just like when you edit a program it stores the software version, and owners name.

KEY HERE, when installing anything on your computer - DONT USE YOUR NAME!!!.... abrreviate!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
This Metadata you speak of only applies to photo's taken with a camera which is gps capable, that is, it can tell you longditude and lattitude of where the photo was taken from. Other date held in the meta tags can be used to trace, but often with no success.

EVERYBODY, most of what this stuff that cryptkeeper is on about is BS, gps coordinates can only be taken from metadata on photo's taken with gps camera's. Note i said MOST, coz if you do have a gps camera, and post online the gps coordinates are stored in your metatags. Just like when you edit a program it stores the software version, and owners name.

KEY HERE, when installing anything on your computer - DONT USE YOUR NAME!!!.... abrreviate!
I know. :) What you're saying is generally true. :) The security info in this game isn't my cup of tea. I have friends who advise me on it though. The FBI is more then proficient on Metadata buddy. :)


Well-Known Member
lol im super baked right now and this is hilarious!!!!! thats the eminem guy? i feel like when you get past the second reply to a thread the topic of that thread is maybe 20% of what is posted but it is super funny

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

This is me standing hip deep in a recent snow storm. Who says New Mexico doesn't get snow? And no, I don't have a poochy belly. I'm wearing thermals. No facial pics for me. Too much at stake. :)


Here's the belly so you know I'm not lying about the pooch. :p


Well-Known Member
This Metadata you speak of only applies to photo's taken with a camera which is gps capable, that is, it can tell you longditude and lattitude of where the photo was taken from. Other date held in the meta tags can be used to trace, but often with no success.

EVERYBODY, most of what this stuff that cryptkeeper is on about is BS, gps coordinates can only be taken from metadata on photo's taken with gps camera's. Note i said MOST, coz if you do have a gps camera, and post online the gps coordinates are stored in your metatags. Just like when you edit a program it stores the software version, and owners name.

KEY HERE, when installing anything on your computer - DONT USE YOUR NAME!!!.... abrreviate!
And it only applies to images that have not been altered or compressed to a different format. Then that metadata can be lost. At no point in time was I ever worried that Cryptkeeper could do anything, that kid couldnt punch his way out of a wet paper bag.


New Member
And it only applies to images that have not been altered or compressed to a different format. Then that metadata can be lost. At no point in time was I ever worried that Cryptkeeper could do anything, that kid couldnt punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Fucking a dude your still at trolling him! Fucking drop whatever hate you have on him and move on with the topic, your filling up pages with all this trolling and metadata crap. Same for the rest of you on this metadata crap. Make a new topic!


Well-Known Member
Fucking a dude your still at trolling him! Fucking drop whatever hate you have on him and move on with the topic, your filling up pages with all this trolling and metadata crap. Same for the rest of you on this metadata crap. Make a new topic!
you want more hot men pics, don't you? ;)


Well-Known Member
aww, how sweet of you KillerDudz for sticking up for your boyfriend. Does your state support gay marriage?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Thank you cryp and louis! Make sure to report that post he made towards me.
I'm not gonna snitch on the poor guy. :) Fdd has already seen his posts and is blinded by his ignorant hatred of me to do anything about it anyways. He's banned you once before also, so I wouldn't push it.
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