What the hell is this? Kinda scared!


Well-Known Member
Went in to find the leaf looking like this, Kinda yellow around the edge and this big brown spot. only 3 weeks old, others are doing fine. not sure whats up.


These are the others, look just fine



Well-Known Member
Wow. I have almost the exact same thing. My cotyledons on my 2 week old turned really yellow and one of my leaf's tips turned yellow along with a brown spot almost exactly like that. It's been a few days since and I've just kept the pH normal along with the water schedule, kept good light and ventilation as I should and the new growth looks fine. Your problem seems very similar to mine and I don't think it's anything to be worried about since it's not affecting all of the leaves. If it gets worse over the next few days, then you should probably start to be concerned but she looks great as she is.



Well-Known Member
Holy crap yea, wtf is going on? whats yer watering/feeding schedule? light cycle? how far away are yer lights from the top?

Me: I water once a day now, i use to do it twice a day, every 12 hours, but i figured i might as well just do it once a day. I am feeding them every other day with Big Bloom from fox farms, around 300ppm when fed. I keep em under 18/6 light cycle and they are about 2 inches from my fluro tubes which are 40w 4100k.

What you got man? lets figure this out!


Well-Known Member
1/2 strength of the micro nute because they are in Fox Farms Light Warrior, no nutes in that soil and after 2 weeks they werent growing worth poop. So i took the advice of SL2 and the Grow Shop dude and gave em 1/2 strength nutes every other feeding.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap yea, wtf is going on? whats yer watering/feeding schedule? light cycle? how far away are yer lights from the top?

Me: I water once a day now, i use to do it twice a day, every 12 hours, but i figured i might as well just do it once a day. I am feeding them every other day with Big Bloom from fox farms, around 300ppm when fed. I keep em under 18/6 light cycle and they are about 2 inches from my fluro tubes which are 40w 4100k.

What you got man? lets figure this out!
I got a 400W HPS for vegging and flowering because I'm too lazy to find some way to hook up my big CFLs. 19/5 lighting I think or like 18.5/5.5. HPS is like 2 feet above plants.

Wow. Umm only water when the top inch or two of soil is dry man. Once a day is almost definitely going to be too much. I also wouldn't recommend hardly any nutes until it's got a few more sets of leaves too but I'm still learning about nutrients so I might not be the best info source there. Your light and light cycle should be fine. Like I said, you're looking good as long as it doesn't spread and it doesn't affect all of the plant.


Well-Known Member
I got a 400W HPS for vegging and flowering because I'm too lazy to find some way to hook up my big CFLs. 19/5 lighting I think or like 18.5/5.5. HPS is like 2 feet above plants.

Wow. Umm only water when the top inch or two of soil is dry man. Once a day is almost definitely going to be too much. I also wouldn't recommend hardly any nutes until it's got a few more sets of leaves too but I'm still learning about nutrients so I might not be the best info source there. Your light and light cycle should be fine. Like I said, you're looking good as long as it doesn't spread and it doesn't affect all of the plant.
well that doesnt really help lol. and ya, i water them once a day and that is when the soil is dry all the way to the bottom, the soil dries out fast. I give em a good watering everytime too. i was doing it twice a day like i said, but sometimes it wasnt alll the way dry and i would have to give it another hour or so. So i figured id water em only once a day.


Active Member
Have you checked the ph recently
should be a lot larger at 3 weeks old, if i were to gues thats plants age i would say around 4 days.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the ph recently
should be a lot larger at 3 weeks old, if i were to gues thats plants age i would say around 4 days.
(I know you weren't talking to me but...) FYI, my plants are small because I did a shit job transplanting and shocked the fuck out of them so I probably delayed them like a week to a week and a half.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the ph recently
should be a lot larger at 3 weeks old, if i were to gues thats plants age i would say around 4 days.
Ph is checked before every watering, 6.5 ph. And yes, they are tiny, which is why i started them on light feedings.


Well-Known Member
not really, moved em a tad closer to the light, but besides adding nutes last sunday ive done nothing different
well damn. This is quite a conundrum. Well you sound like your doing everything right. I think I've said this but w/e... just keep the pH right, watered well, and light on the nutes and ride it out... bout the best you can do I think.


Well-Known Member
Feeding such a young plant is ridiculous, they have all the nutes they need initially from the seed and from the soil they're in, when they've started rapid node growth and you see a very slight deficiency start,then feeding them lightly on veg nutes. Your killing your plants with kindness so they say.


Well-Known Member
Feeding such a young plant is ridiculous, they have all the nutes they need initially from the seed and from the soil they're in, when they've started rapid node growth and you see a very slight deficiency start,then feeding them lightly on veg nutes. Your killing your plants with kindness so they say.
If that's the case, why does every feeding schedule and directions on the nutes say after 5 days of planting the seed into the light warrior soil, start feeding with big bloom?

Im not baggin on ya at all man, don't think im tryin to argue or nothin, i want this type of advice, just wanting to know why they would say something totally different on the schedules and directions?


Well-Known Member
Your better to slightly underfeed a plant than to over feed it at that stage in its life. Id wait until its got at least 4 nodes to start feeding regardless of what they say, seedlings need basically no nutrients to grow compared to a vegging/developed plant.


Active Member
Your better to slightly underfeed a plant than to over feed it at that stage in its life. Id wait until its got at least 4 nodes to start feeding regardless of what they say, seedlings need basically no nutrients to grow compared to a vegging/developed plant.
Yep thats just hit the nail on the head....

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Stop showing them bud porn, look like a hard on to me.

Leave them alone, they will be fine if you don't kill them trying to fix them.

When all you have is a hammer all the world is a nail.