My Babies Are Drooping...Help!!


So I have 7 plants that are about 5 weeks into vegging. Not a whole lotta leaves or branches though. I started them out with Heat Lamps and switched to CFL's 1 week ago (last weekend), thanks to some reading and help from the board here. So I'm not expecting a good turnout to say the least. I'm running 18 - 6500cfl's. My leaves are starting to really droop and it even looks like they're starting to shrivle up. I water thoroughly every other day. I don't know why this is happening. I ordered a 400watt HPS setup today, so once that comes in, I plan to start flowering. Please help, any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm wondering if I need nutrients or something. I have Miracle Grow that I use in the water, but only water with the MG about once a week or so.
Thanks guys!


pics? could be overwatering

Ok, so here's some pics of my setup. I'm using a hollowed out ent center. Im using the bottom for vegging right not, but plan to switch to the top, and flower at the bottom. But as you can see, they are drooping and not very full, at all. This is at 5 weeks of 24 hr light.


Ok, so here's some pics of my setup. I'm using a hollowed out ent center. Im using the bottom for vegging right now, but plan to switch to the top, and flower at the bottom. But as you can see, they are drooping and not very full, at all. This is at 5 weeks of 24 hr light.



Well-Known Member
im not to sure about the leaves but i know for a fact that CFLs make the stem weak as fuck from experience it could be the overwhelming stress from the change in temp from the heat lamps to the CFLs


Well-Known Member
if your not over-watering, it shouldn't be doing anything of that nature if i were you i would invest in a diff. type of lighting


True, never thought of that. I do know that the stems are pretty small.
It's almost like they all just stopped growing all together.


if your not over-watering, it shouldn't be doing anything of that nature if i were you i would invest in a diff. type of lighting

I actually ordered a 400 watt HPS setup today. Once that comes in I plan to start flowering, is that a good idea? I do plan to start more sprouts, I have two coming up. Hope the next round goes better...


Also about the light, I have them on 24hrs. Should I turn them off any right now? I mean sense there so skimpy, I thought I should let them grow as much as possible until flowering....?


Well-Known Member
the HPS will be hell of a lot better, light and water of course are the two major things and thats the only thing that could make that serious of an impact i would change the lighting asap


Well-Known Member
Dude your lighting is fine, I use cfls for veg with every grow iv ever had. It looks like a overwatering to me. Cfl's are a great veg light to use, when you switch to flower use the 400hps and the cfls, duel spectrum is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
True, never thought of that. I do know that the stems are pretty small.
It's almost like they all just stopped growing all together.

WIth Cfl's your light has to be within an inch or two of your plant or they will stretch, as yours have. You will have to readjust every day but its a lot cheaper than a mh light. Add a fan to your cab, keeps the air circulating and the breeze will help strengthen your stems. What are your temps like when the lights are on? And at 5 wks old you may want to start adding some food. Hope this helps ya out


New Member
first of IMO plants are stressed they need some darkness i would try to go to 18 / 6 see if they jump back secondly kinda sad to see them lookin that way 5 week veg they should be monsters you need to give them food depending where you are PM me i could help you with what kinda nutes you should be looking for

heres a pic of my girls veg 23 days started with 3" clone



Well-Known Member
No a specialty hydro store, greenhopuse supply or you can look online for retailers and online stores. Move those lights down and watch how much water you are adding. Def looks like overwatering. The fan is a good idea as well. Air flow with get stems a bit stronger. SimpleMiracle grow, while not ideal can get you started short term. Go easy though