Future .... best case scenario

yeah hive mind does make since to, plus no lag in uploading, when its all already there. nano hive even better, could move as one giant, or many smaller forms, change form constantly, become cloud like, infact that would be most terrifying, like t1000 but capable of so much more.
Look what interconnected Consciousness can do ...
think of doing this with people .... on a different level ..
as per communications and learning ...

you mean like this....
jk i know what you mean..
Na .. more like this ...


that first one threw me off, i thought it was the box from hell raiser, i was like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

what are those from? i like the deathstar looking one ;)
there real? not just from the movie, must investigate this furthur, although if i run into a bunch of cenobites im not gonna be happy.