1st Grow 1st SCROG pics!


Well-Known Member
Eventually it could cover alll that screen. That would be sick. And congrats on the cloning! I know I was happy when my first clones rooted. Felt like a mad scientist.


Active Member
Looking good man. I'm just starting my 1st grow and it's going to be a ScrOG so I'll probably be hittin you and BillyBob up for advice.

One question: I noticed you guys talk about "weaving" them into the screen. I thought that once they poked up above the screen you just pulled it back through the same hole and pushed it under the screen. Are you saying to weave it through one hole, down the next, up the next etc?

TIA, and keep up the good work, mane.

On edit: I found the answer to your method elsewhere. Weaving away. Thanks tho.


Well-Known Member
why only a 2x4 screen in a 4x6 grow area? anyways, goodluck, love the pics...
I have a very limited area. The other space is so I can get in there and also store supplies. I only want two plants on the screen and maybe 1 off to the side, Like my clone.

DarthHerbage, you got it. Just weave them in and out. I secure them with zipties and string. After a while I notice you have to trim out fan leaves to make room for light and more bud sites. This is my first grow and I went with a scrog b/c of limited space. I enjoy attending to my babies, I don't think I'll ever grow a different way again. I learned from BillyBob and a lot of reading. But BB is the Scrogger!

good luck, thanks for the props!


Well-Known Member
You know i keep it gangsta. try to plan where your going to weave branches. i just kinda winged it and i have spot that have 3 branches per hole. so just kinda sit there and think every time your weaving. yall just have a couple plants to weave, i had 12 lol. i was going nuts doing all that training.


Well-Known Member
I bet...I bet you had to trim a lot too. But it helps the time process go by with the extra work you have to put in. I think I'm gonna flower in 2 weeks. gonna flower 2 clones first to determine sex. But I'm pretty sure I have at least 1 female. It looks totally different than the other. It looks like it wants to emerge pistils, not a pod shape at all, long and skinny....but ya never know. Hope for the best...I got back ups though that are not in the screen.


Well-Known Member
how come plants start to show sex b4 u force flowering... like my plants were showing sex 5 weeks into vegging....or at least 2 of the 4 did...


Too many brownies
Ok dont know if you have done this already or not. But once that screen is close to getting filled any leaves that are below it get trimmed off of the branches.

Looking good man :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been trimmin' the leaves under the canopy. And some in the screen cause they are in the way. Thanks for Checkin' them out!


Well-Known Member
I really like the 2x3" screen. the 2x2 seemed to small. i think a 3x3 would work better if your were scrogging sativas. 2x2 would be better for indicas i think. what u think 420?


Well-Known Member
The 2"x3" is working great.I like it.. But I could def. see using a 3x3 for mine, and yours too.... Especially for people who use HID's ..AKA Real Light...If yer using some cfl's then a 1"x1" screen would be sufficient. I have a few areas with 2 tips sharing a hole. I'm gonna flower the clones this week sometime to see if I need to cut one outta the screen. I'm about 90% sure one is female. The other could go either way. The lady is about half way down the screen and doin' well. probably about 32-36 inches tall if not in the screen. Saturday marked exactly 8 weeks since sprout with 24/0 light schedule. The plants are lovin' the M/H. gonna flower soon. Probably in about 10 days. I'll update some pics this week...Hope to see some new ones of your Gold Mine BB.


Well-Known Member
sounds great man. yeah its crazy to see how tall they really would be. some of mine would be over 5 feet all i think, especially some of the stretchy strawberries. i will have new pics tonight or tommorow.


Well-Known Member
Here's the latest Pics. Haven't fed them for a week. Just switched them to fox farm and liquid karma. We will see how they do. I have 1 clone and another plant in a closet switching light schedule to 12/12 to flower to see sex. The clone for the plant I was concerned about sexing died in the Temp. Flowering room. So, at least I'll know for sure when I do flower the scrog that 1 is female. I'm sure it is,The other still can't tell. It could go either way. But I think I'm good to go. I also have another plant off to the side in the vegg room that I'm training to grow where I want it to. So far , I topped it a month ago and now I tied the two tops down so they look like Pig tails now. I have 2 more clones that made it. I thought 1 was gonna died but It pulled through. I got the cloning down pretty well now. I'm gonna Flower in 1 week. My Screen is half full to where I want it. So in a week should be 60 percent full. Been doing a lot of undergrowth trimming and Zipties for training. Let me know what ya'll think....

