My first little harvest, pics

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Those nugs look nice man. Specially that one next to the coke can. Have you smoked any yet?
yeah, but it was too early, didnt burn too well, its in jars right now, i finally got some bud so i will let it sit for at least a week or two.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but it was too early, didnt burn too well, its in jars right now, i finally got some bud so i will let it sit for at least a week or two.
The early harvest gets all us cannabis growers... Just to eager to try the product lol. I hope it still as good as you were to it. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest man , I have my 5 plants in veg state right now but once they get to my ceeling I'm gona kick them fuckers into bud mode :mrgreen:


Active Member
Sweet! I caNT wait till i harvest mine!

What Kind of light did you use?

How long did you leave them flowering?

Im asking cause i need some advice. This is my first hydro grow im using a homemade DWC Bubbler and alot of compact flourescents. One plant is over 3 feet tall. both are female. these are pics from the 3rd week of flowering.

congrats on your sweet harvest!

your fan leaves are VERY VERY THIN
this is caused by very lowww humidity
that would be my guesss
humidiy NEEDS to be between 40-55%
very very crucial in flowering:joint::blsmoke:


your fan leaves are VERY VERY THIN
this is caused by very lowww humidity
that would be my guesss
humidiy NEEDS to be between 40-55%
very very crucial in flowering:joint::blsmoke:

i imagine his plants are dead... as was this thread.. its from february.... newgrowth just posted in it cause i shot him a link to look at the pictures.. as he is gonna grow some brickweed seed for the hell of it.... let the zombie go back to sleep!!!:roll: pay attention to dates before you give grow advice.... if he is still growing those plants, humidity is the least of his concerns...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I thought that vegging most indicas around 18 to 20 " would yield at least an ounce with a 400 watter? Also you said they were 12" when finished flowering but were 11" when you first started to flower? so the plants only grew 1" during flowering?
Also did you flower with nutrients?
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