Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I'll go take one for ya so you don't have to go looking lol. Just took a pic of my new yins. Looks like the caseys have outgrown the nursery and are in the schedule to get potted up this week

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Veg room shots....

just flipped 20 clones last week, so now it's these girls turn to get some love and attention. Might be the first shot of the outside of my big flower room lol. Just a simple 6 x 8 airtight and insulated room with a few inline fans, only have to use two of them, an air purifier, an oscilatting fan and I exhaust out of the chimney which is right next to the boarded up window. The flower room gets it's air from the vegging area. There is a portable air conditioner in there to help control temps in the summer and provide a fresh air for everything, plus I'm able to keep the door to this bedroom open to help with fresh air. Another recent addition was a humidifier for the veg room which is a huge help this time of year

See what happens when ya drink a couple of cups of strong coffee at midnight lol, shit I'm prolly going to go take some pics of my hm x bb thats getting the chop tomorrow hehehe

Schleep?!? I dunt need no schtinking schleep hahaha!!!!



Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Highland Mexican x Blueberry 10.5 wks.....

The trics look good for a sativa, the heads are half clear and half cloudy, thinking she will come down tomorrow. Doesn't need to be flushed, she let me know early on she did not like even light doses of nutes so it's pretty much just been water. The smell is absolutley delightful...nice sweet tropical fruit!

Night all, lol




Well-Known Member
I see you got the curly wurlies on some of your fan sleaves...my OG larry is doing that as well....pissin me reet off.

Have a good week bru,


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I see you got the curly wurlies on some of your fan sleaves...my OG larry is doing that as well....pissin me reet off.

Have a good week bru,

Hows it going D. I gave them their first dose of nute a week or two into flowe, 1/2 dose, and that's when they curled. Typical bb move lol

You have a good one too

mmmmmmmmmmmmm headstash! nuggets look hard as rocks hc.

Morning matey what's the good word!

whos the fur ball?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
She's pretty mellow, not fiesty at all. Her brother was but when he died a couple of years ago I get this one to keep Patches company. This is Pebbles


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah I always considered them calico,,,just looked it up on wiki and apparently everywhere else in the world its called torties lol, jess learned something : !)

First pot of coffee is almost gone, getting toasted on some good bud! 3 quick rips and I could hardly type the sentence above. Whew..



Well-Known Member
Morning HC. Thanks for those veg rooms shots man. Tempting to switch it over from t5's to the cfls, especially when thinking about electricity prices. . . I have to get a new veg system setup at some point, as when I take cuttings I'm going to have very little room for them all. Hell, will prolly have to find new homes for a couple of them.

How's your one cat, just looking out the window. Looks like he's dreaming of a warm, sunny day instead of his current chilly reality lol Raining here too, today, and pretty shitty. So much for a long walk with the dog :lol:

Buds look killer man... happy harvesting. :peace:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Yeah I always considered them calico,,,just looked it up on wiki and apparently everywhere else in the world its called torties lol, jess learned something : !)

First pot of coffee is almost gone, getting toasted on some good bud! 3 quick rips and I could hardly type the sentence above. Whew..

and what would you do if it was some really good smoke?


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Everyone gets a chance to be guinea pigs........

Rick asked me if he could get some feedback from me on a new product he's mixing up. Fook ya I jumped on it! Not available for sale yet, but lets hope I can give him a couple of thumbs up soon.

First up the Caseyheadband girls. 4 weeks from seed today

